Tank 1-1

50 1 0

Turlandb: How are we gonna do this...?

Jenonetta: I don't know...

A ton of coins suddenly smack Laura in the face.

Laura: OOF!

Jenonetta: *Gasp* Laura!

Laura: Ow... I'm fine...

Turlandb: *Helps her up*

Jenonetta: *Picks up the money*

Turlandb: $200?

Laura: Wha?

Jenonetta: Why the hell do we start off with this much money?

Guppies: FEED US! D:<

Laura: O_O

Guppy 1: You're supposed to use the money to feed us.

Guppy 2: Then we'll grow bigger.

Turlandb: ...That's it?

Guppy 1: ...Yeah, pretty much.

Guppy 2: *Smacks his brother with his tail*

Guppy 1: OOF! That wasn't very noice! >:(

Guppy 2: No, that's even close to being all. If aliens ever show up, we'll need you guys to defend us.

Laura: Sweet! Ass kicking! >:D

Jenonetta: *Giggle*

Turlandb: *Chuckle* *Thoughts: That's my girl!*

Guppy 1: They can only be harmed with this.

A laser gun falls on Laura's head.

Laura: OOF!

Turlandb: Wha?!

Jenonetta: Again?!

Laura: *Picks it up* A laser gun?

Guppy 1: Yes. :D

Guppy 2: That's the only thing that will harm them. :D

Laura: ...Well, as long as it allows me to whoop some ass. >:)

Turlandb: :3

Jenonetta: :3

Guppy 1: Now FEED US!!!

Turlandb: O_O

Laura: O_O

Jenonetta points at a random place in the Tank, and a food pellet appears.

Guppies: *Sr Pelo gasp*

The two Guppies practically fight each other Mortal Kombat style trying to get the food. The first Guppy gets there first and eats it.

Guppy 1: Heeeyyyyy! That was pretty good! :D

Guppy 2: ASS! D:<

Turlandb: So that's how we feed them...?

Jenonetta: I can take care of the feeding.

Laura: HEY!

Turlandb/Jenonetta: ?

Laura: Some of the money is gone!

Laura points at the cash. $5 are gone.

Turlandb: ...$5 for one fucking piece of food?!

Jenonetta: I see why they gave us $200 now...


Jenonetta feeds the Guppy.

Turco x Jen: InsaniquariumWhere stories live. Discover now