Ok this is not the first chapter. I'm only adding this is as notice and explanation. I'll warn you now: it's long. I talk too much, so I bolded the really important bits :)
I am attempting to participate, unofficially, in NaNoWriMo this year. It's National Novel Writing Month, and it lasts all through out November. This is my first attempt, so I doubt it will be amazing. (Edit: I will be continuing the story even after November)
Usually the goal is to start and finish a novel by the end of the month. I'm just attempting to write toward this new story everyday in November, but if by some miracle I finish it, that would be amazing.
No matter how small of a contribution it is, I'm going to try to write toward this story everyday in the month of November. There may be days that I don't post what I write until the next day or a few days later, but then I'll be uploading multiple times on that day, most likely. (I will try to have as many posts as days in the month.) Hopefully this won't happen, but in the case that it does, like today, I don't want anybody saying I didn't tell them.
Posting everyday (or the equivalence of everyday) means that it is going to be a very, very rough edit of the story. I'll read through it once and try to catch as many simple, minor mistakes as I can, but I'm not going to be doing any sort of deep edit.
I have an outline started, but I haven't finished it yet. It is not very specific, and none of it is set in stone. I'll mostly be thinking of the details as I write. That means there will probably be plot holes, unnecessary things added in, just for the fun of it, and things that don't make quite enough sense to have a dollar. When I'm done, if I like it enough, I might go back and edit it (though I might keep it as it is to keep the character of it).
That about covers the boring details. Now onto the plot!
As you can maybe tell from the title, this will be a very clichéd story. If you hate or loath or abhor or have a strong disdain for clichéd stories, this might not be for you.
A while ago, I was reading some of the satires people put on here, making fun of clichéd stories or clichéd writing and how horrible some people write them, and I after I was able to calm my laughter, I thought to myself, "What if someone wrote a story that combined all the clichés, like this, but it wasn't absolutely horrible or soley making fun of them?"
I know it's a crazy thought, and there are still going to be people who think this is terrible. My advise to them is don't read this if you hate it. Why would you put yourself through that? Don't waste the precious time you have on this Earth willingly doing something you don't want to do.
So when I decided to do NaNoWriMo (pretty last minute), I thought of different things I could write about and settled on this because I figured it would be the easiest one to get an idea or inspiration for if I was getting writer's block.
I'm going to try to write this story while including as many clichéd plots as I possibly can. Anything that went through a phase of being extremely popular either on here or other sites, I'm trying to incorporate into this story.
Now that doesn't mean I'm just whizzing through all of them all willy nilly. I'm really trying to make an overall arch to the story with distinct conflicts and what not.
In other words, it's a story filled with clichés that I'm hoping will be entertaining to read. I'm aiming to have the unexpected twists be things like adding in a new clichéd plot that you didn't think I could incorporate or adding the clichés in a way you didn't think I could or would add them.
Okay. That was probably way more than you wanted to know about this project of mine, but I just wanted to explain to you what's happening and how it's happening.
Let me know what you think of this idea! If you think of any clichéd story ideas, go ahead and put them in the comments, and I'll try to incorporate as many of them as I can :)
Vote if you're excited to see how this story unfolds :)
Question: How many times did I put cliché (or a form of it) in this?
Answer: Too many
Ps. You might be able to tell from the tags some of the ideas I'm alreading planning on including ;)
PPS. I failed with NaNoWriMo, but I am continuing the story.
Pic on the side was the first cover I made for the story >>> Hope you like the new one more because I sure do.
Dedication to my first Nano friend on Wattpad :)
Clichéd Story of all Clichés (NaNoWriMo 2012)
Humor*Mostly NOT a SATIRE or PARODY* Ever read about best friends falling in love? Arranged marriages? Vampires? Werewolves? You have?! Have you ever read about all of that in one story??? Didn't think so.