Chapter 7...

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"Everyone I need your design ideas by the end of the week! As soon as you get me them the sooner I can approve and you can start. Remember you will have a little over 6 months to complete your final project. It is worth 70% of your grade."

The class murmured at the new information. 70% was insane and just added to the pressure of making the best designs ever. I gazed around the room at all the talented designers the class had, anxiety washing over me. I was nowhere near as good as half the people here.

"You can either hand them in or send me them over email. You have until Friday." The professor dismissed us. Great I now only have 4 days to come up with an idea and send it in. No pressure.

"What was I thinking taking this class." One of my friends, Elisa, in the class muttered. I whole heartedly agreed with her. As much as I hated to hate on this class it was one of my favorites. I loved designing and this was the perfect place to do it.

Gathering our stuff we slowly left the classroom, everyone around us buzzing about their own projects. We've known about this project since the beginning of the year but apparently everyone, including me, hadn't put much thought in to until now. It's like it snuck up on us.

"Do you know what you are doing?" I asked Elisa.

"I think I'm going to do a couple of things. Maybe some rompers, swimsuits, and springy dresses." Her tone suggested she had no clue what she was going to do either. "How about you?"

"I honestly have no clue." I spent a good two hours looking up ideas the other night on what I wanted my final project to be but nothing caught my eye. Through out the year we've done little projects, designing pieces of clothing, but I didn't feel like doing one of those again. A lot of the students were probably going to include techniques and styles we've already done. Kind of like what Elisa was doing.

The thing was at the end of the year Mrs. Anderson will pick the best design and submit it in to a company to get a chance for that person to intern for that company. It was literally a dream come true for any fashion designer to intern for a big company right after college. It was everything I've worked for over the past four years.

So yeah no pressure at all.

"You'll figure something out. You always do." Elisa sent me an encouraging smile. I wanted to believe that but with the deadline looming my nerves were getting the best of me. "Want to get something to eat later?"

"Sure." It was only 2 but my classes were done for the day and I didn't have a shift tonight at the bar. Maybe I'll try and find some inspiration while I had the time.

"Text you after my last class." Waving bye we both branched off.

I aimlessly walked around campus trying to come up with ideas as I walked. I was so lost in my own head I didn't notice the group of guys off to the side. It wasn't until I heard someone yell that I was jerked out of my thoughts.

"Watch out!"

I heard it a second too late as I turned my head. Suddenly something hit the side of my cheek, hard enough to make me stumble and let out a cry. I was so caught off guard I fell down to my knees, the hard concrete scraping the skin through the holes of my jeans.

"Shit." I heard someone curse. The side of my face pounded from where I guess the football hit. The ball managed to hit me directly in the cheek and sent a zing all the way up the side of my face.

I sat there on the ground, holding my cheek as I groaned in pain. I wasn't expecting to get hit in the face with a football that's for sure, and damn did it hurt like a bitch. For now the pain over rode my embarrassment.

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