Part 28

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Eric's POV
I came back to Darlene's room but only to find her sleep I wasn't even gone five minutes, but man she is beautiful
Eric: *whispers* Darlene.. baby, Darlene wake up I got snacks
Darlene: hmm what. What time is it
Eric: almost six you were only sleep for about 5-10 minutes
Darlene: really? Well I still want cuddles
Eric: I got the cuddles
Darlene: hahaha you're so goofy babe
Eric: only for you
Darlene: oh and I think someone was texting your phone
I went over to see two messages from my mom and one from Keomi? Why is she texting me?

Keomi: I see you're back with Darlene
Eric: I see your still not worrying about yourself
Keomi: I'm sorry that I cheated on you but baby please take me back

*Conan Gray has entered the chat*
Keomi: fine but you'll crawl back to me eventually ;)
You have blocked Keomi from your phone

And then I texted my mom back

Mom: Eric hun where are you
Mom: Eric why aren't you answering

Eric: I'm sorry i didn't answer my phone is charging and I'm at my girlfriends house I might come home tomorrow or tonight I don't know
Mom: okay well as long as you're safe and I like Darlene you should bring her over more :)
Eric: I will bye mom
Mom: okay bye hun

Darlene: who texted
Eric: my mom and uh Keomi
Eric: keo-
Darlene: I know what you said but what did she say
Eric: here just read them
Eric: you're smiling... uh why are you smiling?
Darlene: because one you yelled at her through text and then you blocked her
Eric: oh well yeah because she thinks she's the shit and that she can get away with murder
Darlene: I think she just doesn't like me she keeps going after every guy I date
Eric: yeah that may be true but I will only love you forever and always
Darlene: I love you too!
Eric: but I have to go home soon
Darlene: can I come with
Eric: yeah of course
Darlene: I'll pack clothes just in case I stay the night
Eric: I think you still have clothes over there and they are clean
Darlene: well I guess I won't be needing clothes

At Eric's house*

Eric's mom: Eric is that you
His mom called from the kitchen
Eric: yeah mom it's me and I brought Darlene
Eric's mom: oh great I love Darlene
Darlene: *giggles* thank you mrs.montanez I love you too
Eric: were going to my room can you tell us when dinner is ready
Eric's mom: yeah of course

Darlene: I should've bought over some candy
Eric: are you still on your menses
Darlene: yesies
Eric: I'll go get some snacks
Darlene: no can you stay here I'm sleepy
Eric: okay dinner should be ready soon


Eric's mom POV
I just finished making dinner and setting the table
Em(Eric's mom)
Em: dinners ready
I didn't get a response so I went upstairs to his room and I prayed that they weren't making out so I opened the door to find them asleep
Em: Eric dinners ready
Eric: *groans* okay we'll be down in a minute.
*Eric's POV*
Eric:Hey Darlene... baby wake up dinners ready
Darlene: okay I'm up give me a minute
Eric: that's what I told my mom
Darlene: alright come on

Darlene: dinner was great thank you mrs. montanez
EM: you can call me mom
Darlene: okay nice to know
Eric: we'll clear the table
Darlene: yeah we don't mind
EM: alright then I will be in the living room
Eric: okay.
Darlene POV
After we were done cleaning we were having a conversation about nothing and everything but then we ended up kissing
EM: I see you're done with cleaning the kitchen
Eric: yeah um sorry were going to my room now
We were making tik toks and ended up falling asleep to music


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