Chapter 11

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Jurina's POV

I'm having a one vs one match against Yuko-chan right now. Sayaka-chan decided to test our individual strengths after focusing on our teamwork. It is the last seconds and the ball is in my possession so I'm confident that I will win but it seems like she has a secret weapon

"How was your date with Rena-chan?" she asked as I blushed because I remembered last night

"Thank you" she said then I realized that I was tricked

"Yuko-chan!" I shouted as I followed her

"This time, I will win!" she said as she tried to dunk but it failed

"Epic fail" I commented lamely

"Match is over! Oshima and Matsui are tied"


"It was a great match you two"

We looked at the scoreboard and we saw that the score is 50-50. I'm surprised because I didn't expected it. We continued our training until we're tired

"Thank you for for hard work girls. If we keep this up, I'm sure we can win the tournament. That's all, dismiss!"

One week later, it is now the day of the opening of the tournament. We're about to board the shuttle when suddenly

"Girls!" someone shouted

We looked at the source and saw our friends heading towards our direction. I noticed Rena holding a bento

"Jurina-chan" she said


"Take this" she said as she gave me the bento

"Thank you Rena" I said as I hugged her

"Your welcome"

"Oh it seems our little puppy will go all out later on our game" Sae-chan said

"Yeah you're right" Yuko-chan agreed

"Mou Yuko-chan, Sae-chan"

"Did our puppy just called Rena by her name?"

"You heard it right?"

"Yeah!" the others agree as I blushed deeply

"Good luck on your game" Rena said as she kissed my cheeks

"I will" I said

"Our puppy is in love!" Yuko-chan exclaimed

"WMatsui is sailing!" Sashihara-san as she appeared out of nowhere once again

"For your information, I haven't asked her out YET"

"Oh so you're planning to ask her out?" Mayu-chan teasingly asked as I blushed again

"I-Uh after the tournament?"

"Girls we'll gonna be late if you'll gonna continue on teasing her" Sayaka-chan said

'Thank you Captain Gorilla' I thought

We boarded the shuttle and they still continue to tease me about Rena. I'm starting to ask myself if they are still the same famous people I met on our first day. After a few minutes, we've arrived on the venue

"Girls don't forget our training and let's do our best!"

"Yeah!" we shouted before we exited the shuttle

We entered the venue and we're shocked because of the size of the court. Three of the schools present at the tournament are our sister schools. The organizer went to begin his speech then after he is finished, the match started

"The first match will be AKB High vs NMB High"

We went to the court to start stretching and to prepare ourselves for our match. After stretching, the referee started our match. Sayaka-chan and the center of NMB, Yamamoto-san jumped for the possession of the ball. Sayaka-chan got the ball and passed it to Yuko-chan who made a score

"AKB High got the first point" the announcer said

NMB had the ball and they tried to score by dunking but Sayaka-chan and Sae-chan didn't let them pass on their defense

'That's the twin towers for you' I thought

Yuko-chan have the ball and she started to dribble while running towards our goal. They tried to steal it but in a swift movement, she passed it to me. I shoot from the three-point line and it went in

"As expected of Rena's puppy" Yuko-chan said as she giggled

"Yuko stop teasing her, we're in a game right now" our captain said

"Thank you Sayaka-chan"

We continued our strategy as we ran back and forth. They had the ball in possession as they tried to passed our defense but they failed when I stole the ball and pass it to Yuko-chan

"This is for Nyan-nyan!" she shouted as she dunked the ball

We laughed at her because even though the game is intense, she managed to lift up the heavy atmosphere. After a while, it is now the last seconds of our match. Yamamoto-san had the ball and she is running towards their goal when she was stopped by Yuko-chan

"Puppy!" she shouted as she passed it to me

I quickly ran towards our goal but our opponents went on defense as soon as I arrived at the three-point line

"This is for Rena!" I shouted as I shot the ball

I thought it will not go in because it spinned on the rim of the basket before it goes inside. At the same time, the time went down to zero making us win the first round

"We won!" we shouted in joy

"Both teams line up!" the referee shouted as we line up to thank them for the game

"Thank you for the wonderful game" we said in unison as we bowed

I looked at the score and saw that our gap is not that huge. Yuko-chan patted my back as she and Sae-chan teased me about Rena. Speaking of the angel, she is heading towards us

"Congratulations girls" she said

"Thank you" we said in unison then I remembered the bento that I ate during the break before the second half started



"Thank you again for the bento. It was delicious" I complimented her cooking

"Really? I'm glad" she said with a wide smile

"You know, she doesn't let anyone disturb her when she is eating your home made bento" Yuko-chan said

"That's right" Sae-chan and the others agreed while I began to blush once again

"Mou please stop it" I said

"You heard the puppy, stop teasing her now or else I'll triple your training" Sayaka-chan threatened them


"Thank you Captain" I thanked my savior for a moment then she whispered

'You owe me explanation on how you managed to stop Gekikara'

I remembered the night when Rena became angry and the only way I stopped her is by kissing her on the cheek. While I was spacing out, she kissed me on the cheeks while blushing

"This is your reward for winning today" she said before I fainted

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