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"I can't believe we're here for only two more days." I said.

"I know it's pretty amazing here." He said wrapping his arms around me.

"I wish we didn't have to leave." I said.

"Maybe we could come back soon." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah maybe once this one is born, or when their small." He said placing his hand on my stomach.

     "You'd wanna move here?" I asked.

"Yeah, I don't see why not." He said.

   "I love you Thomas." I said.

"I love you baby." He said.

   It was our last day there and all last night to today, Thomas seemed off.

    He seemed worried and he kept telling me about how if we get caught to not say anything and let him take the blame.

We soon checked out of the hotel and headed out to get a taxi to the airport.

"I love you so much." Thomas said placing his hand on my thigh.

"I love you Thomas." I said.

We soon arrived at the airport and got onto our plane.

     We soon landed.

  "Jackie, remember don't say anything. My parents will take care of you and our child. I love you forever Jackie, and I'll see you two soon." He said kissing my forehead.

    "Thomas what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Just do what I say Jackie." He said as we walked off the plane.

    We walked into the airport and went to go get our bags.

       "Jacqueline I love you more then you'll ever know." He said hugging me, then kissing my lips.

   He grabbed my hand and held it, while we went to go look for his parents.

"FREEZE,DONT MOVE." Someone yelled.

I looked up and there were police everywhere.

"What the fuck is happening?" I asked.

"Just listen to what I said." Thomas said.


We slowly dropped our bags, and put our hands up.


We slowly did what he said.

"Jackie I love you." He said.

"I love you Thomas." I said.

They came up to us, slowly with their guns pointed.

They put handcuffs on me first, then on Thomas.

They grabbed our bags and walked us outside.

They put us in separate vehicles.

I couldn't believe what was happening, he told me not to worry about it and I didn't.

We haven't done anything for awhile, how are they arresting us now?

Why were we even arrested in the first place?

Soon we arrived at the police station, separating Thomas and I.

    They had me sit in a room, by myself for a minute.

About twenty minutes later, two I'm guessing detectives walked in.

"Jacqueline, do you know why your here?" One of them asked.

I stayed silent and just looked at them.

"Well your here because, we got something on your husband." He said.

"Can I get my phone call?" I asked them.

"Sure, follow me." He said standing up.

I stood up and followed him out the room.

"You can use the phone at my desk." He said.

I sat down by his desk and he handed me the phone.

I grabbed the phone and began to dial.

The detective just stood there.

"Could I have some privacy please?" I asked.

"Sure." He said walking away.

I put the phone against my ear and prayed that they answered.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey it's Jackie, um I'm at the police station." I said.

  "Jackie, we'll be there as soon as we can." She said.

"Thank you." I said.

    "We'll see you in a minute." She said then hanging up.

  Did Thomas say something to them before we landed?

That was the last time I saw Thomas, until his court date.

The past that was surprising to me was it had nothing to do with the murders, it was something I didn't even know about.

He was smuggling drugs in and out of the country for the past couple years.

Was this where he'd disappear to?

He ended up getting seventeen years for it.

We were married, fuck we had a baby on the way and he never told me about it.

Theses next couple of years are going to be difficult, but I know that I'd have the support of his parents and my mom.

Will things be the same after he got out or will it all be different, well I guess we're just going to have to find out....

*the second book is in the works*

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