Part 3

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(Back to Emma & Charlotte in the kitchen)

Emma: What happened?

Charlotte: He kept asking me questions.

Emma: About?

Charlotte: About you!

Emma: What did Zach ask or say?

Charlotte: He asked what was up with you and stuff.

Emma: Oh ok, I just don't know what to do anymore.

Charlotte: Talk to him then! (Yells at her)

Corbyn: Talk to who?

Charlotte: Oh we are talking about z-

(Emma covers up Charlottes mouth)

Emma: My ex.

Daniel: Who's your ex?

Emma: I don't have an ex. (slaps her hand to her forehead)

Corbyn: Then who are you girls talking about?

Charlotte: Let's just tell them Emma. He is outside.

Jack: You like Zach?

Emma: Shhh Jack I don't think he heard you.

Jack: Sorry, but I can help you.

Emma: How? (Looks concerned)

Jack: Follow me.

(Jack and Emma walk upstairs to his room)

Emma: What are we doing in your room Jack?

Jack: Just close my door and lock it Emma.

Emma: Ok?

(She closes the door and locks it)

Emma: Talk to me Jack, why are we in your room?

Jack: Maybe you can make Zach Jealous and get his attention.

Emma: How? I don't even know if he likes me back Jack.

Jack: Let's ask Daniel to help.

(Jack opens the door and yells Daniels name over the music playing)

Jack: Daniel James Seavey!

Daniel: What Jack?

Jack: Come to my room right now!

Daniel: Coming!

(Daniel runs to Jacks room)

Daniel: What do you want Jack we have a Album release party going on right now.

Jack: Shut the door.

(Daniel goes up to the door to shut it)

Emma: Why did you bring Daniel up here?

Jack: I brought Daniel up here to ask him to fake date you to make Zach notice you and make him jealous.

Daniel: I mean I'm down.

Emma: I thought you were dating Bryanna?

Daniel: We broke up two months ago.

Emma: Oh I'm sorry. (Holds her arms out)

Daniel: Its fine (Goes in for her hug)

Jack: Look this is perfect.

Emma: I mean yeah, but only for pretend.

Jack: Perfect!

Daniel: So you wanna do this Emma?

Emma: Let's do this!

Jack: Plan Lets get Zach jealous is on!

Emma: So what are we going to do to show that we are "dating"?

Jack: I know how.

Daniel: How?

Jack: Daniel you will grab the mic and say "Emma I like you and I want you in my life, Will you be my girlfriend?"

Daniel: Ok, I can do that.

Emma: Let's get this started.

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