It was five thirty-two AM

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     Sunday November 2nd, 2003. Clara had barely woken up. The clock was glaring at her. She slugged out of bed, barely missing the poorly-placed shoes lying on her bedroom floor. Maurice, her only sibling, was still passed out on the couch from binge-watching Friends. Clara’s father was supposed to arrive home around eight AM. He hadn’t seen Maurice in a bit, and the night shift made it difficult to see Clara at all.
     By the time Clara got ready, the newest Friends episode started playing and Maurice jogged back to the couch. Clara had to be at work by seven thirty, so she had to leave at seven. This gave her just enough time to watch one episode.
     After the episode had ended,  it was fifteen minutes past six. Clara sprayed her rose-scented perfume on and looked at her outfit. She got her style from her mother, Isabelle. Thin lilac colored shirt with black shorts and fishnet tights. She grabbed her heart locket and walked into the kitchen. For breakfast, she had some strawberry PopTarts. She grabbed her sparkly black purse and headed out the front door.
     Clara lived in a cul de sac neighborhood, her house being dead center. It was two-story, with a small backyard and a big front lawn. Their community expanded far beyond the eye could see, and it consisted of kind, welcoming people. When Isabelle passed away, they received a lot of support from everyone. She lived in their hearts, and their memories.
     When she first bought the house, Isabelle painted it with lavender walls and light-grey frame-work. She was interested in the classier details. Clara had some of her mother's traits and being classy was one of them. Clara kept the color consistency throughout her room. Her room was white with a tint of purple, just enough to see a difference to pure white. 
     They’ve kept it that way since. Clara was also growing flowers in a flower window box, a tradition the family had together. Normal families would go out for pizza, Clara and her mother would sit by the flowers and talk.

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