Ending 🤔

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     It was 5:32 AM when Clara woke up. The clock was glaring at her. She yawned, and slowly got out of bed, kicking every shoe poorly placed on her bedroom floor. Maurice, her only sibling, was up watching Friends in the living room. A rush of relief washed over Clara as she made the connection that Shadow wasn’t a real disease.
     Clara walked into the kitchen, looking for some PopTarts when she heard a commercial play on the t.v.

“Wanna save 15% or more on car insurance?” It said.
“You’d switch to Geico, it’s what you do.” 

     Clara chuckled and said, “You know, I would LOVE to save 15% or mo-” and she stopped in her tracks, unable to finish her sentence. Concerned, Maurice went over to her and extended his neck up to her head, the unnerving sound of his creaking neck, and whispered,

“15% of what?”


I'm not a great writer, but I hope you liked the story anyways.
I got the idea from a commercial I saw while on YouTube. One that ask you a question, and I was just like "Yes, yes I would." But who actual answers that?

Idk 😛

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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