So I saw this over at KiraReno's Facebook page, and thought it'd be fun to share my answers here as well!
Shoot... The first two questions are a pain :I
1) Brothers - 0.5
2) Sisters - 0.5
3) Pets - 1
4) Surgeries - 0
5) Tattoos - 0
6) Piercings - 0
7) Been to an island - No
8) Flown on a plane - No
9) Ridden in an ambulance - Not as far as I know
10) Ice skating - Yes
11) Been on a cruise - No
12) Ridden on a Motorcycle - No
13) Owned a Motorcycle - No
14) Rode on a horse - Yeah... But not actually where I was allowed to hold the reigns myself. So I don't usually count it
15) Ridden in a police car - No
16) Stayed in a Hospital - No
17) Eye Color - Changes between green and brown. Currently more greenish (According to LittleBrisyboi)
19) Coffee or tea - Tea (Also apparently No. 18 is non-existent now 😂)
20) Favorite pie - Mmm... I don't usually eat pies so idk
21) Favorite pizza - Hawaii (Hate me if you want :D)
22) Favorite Dog - Huskies and/or Pomskies (Mix between a Husky and a Pomeranian)
23) Favorite season - Spring
24) Favorite holiday period - Noooooone? If I had to choose probably Easter actually
25) Favorite sport - ...I love way too many thanks to anime. Volleyball? Or ice skating. One of the two. Probably Volleyball.
26) Ever been handcuffed - No
27) Favorite fruit - Apples? They're pretty much the only fruit I eat
28) Beer - Never drunk beer before
29) Driven a tractor - No
30) Travelled out of the Country - When I was really young. I don't count it because of personal reasons ^-^
31) Have you travelled by train - Yes
32) Have you ridden in a helicopter - No
33) Fav film - Shoot... Not really a fan of films... If anime movies count I'm gonna say Yokozawa Takafumi no baai, but if they don't... Spirit
So there you go!
If ya wanna do it as well, that would be interesting ^^
And yes, I will also add these answers to my facts about me book.
On a different note; Yes I am trying to work on my current One-shot requests and my other books, but with everything that's going on in life right now, it's hard to find the time and focus. ^^ Don't worry, I haven't forgotten your requests, LunaXPusheen, Natsu_No_Ame. (Ha sneaky way of tagging you so you see this post 😂)