Prologue: an unreasonable wish.

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Toad is just a normal college student. But the queen of the campus has taken in interest in him. Of course he's not interested in her as he's too busy with his club. He's thinking about quitting the club because they always take advantage of him which pissed him off so much.

Toad: guys, we need to talk.
Tamiya: what is it Skywalker?
Toad: I'm quitting the club!
Otaki: why?! Did we do something wrong?
Toad: yes you idiots! You always take advantage of me and it pisses me off! I'm not your slave!
Tamiya: I didn't realize you feel that way.
Toad: no. No you didn't. You guys were too stupid to even realize it. You idiots do whatever you want and I get stuck doing the heavy lifting! I'm so sick of it all! Also I'm switching dorms so don't expect me to do your work for you!

Toad stormed out and went to another dorm. But instead he was kicked out of dorms and wound up in a shinto temple.

Toad: ok this is awkward. I'm an atheist. I'm not the religious type. Never have, never will. I guess I better order a pizza. All that walking made me hungry.

As he dialed his phone, something unexpected happened. A goddess appeared out of nowhere.

Goddess: hello, my name is Belldandy. And I am here to grant you a wish.
Toad: uh ok then. *under his breath* so I only get one wish. *groans* better make it count then. *out loud* alright, I've decided, I wish for a goddess like you to stay by my side forever! *in head* what the hell was I thinking?! That was rather sudden! Not to mention rude! You screwed this time Skywalker!
Belldandy: it seems your wish has been granted.

The cyborg and his goddess. (Belldandy x male oc x massive harem) Where stories live. Discover now