Nothing can compair.

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Spinel P.O.V
I sat in Steven's house, I was glad that she never went to HomeWorld with the Diamonds.I never wanted all this drama, I guess I bring it with me. Pink Pearl walks in, unannounced, wouldn't be the first time, or last by the looks of it.
"Hello Spinel!" She said, looking at me like Morgz in his intros, awaiting an answer.

"Uh, hiya?" I asked confused as to why she'd want to talk to me.

"Why the uncertainty?", She looked as tho the confusing was spreading, "Doesn't matter-"she was cut of by Steven running full speed down the stairs, inevitably he fell, face first.

"I'm going out for a bit. . ." I said while getting up, not waiting for any response.

"Whattt? Why so soon, I just got here?!" Pink Pearl said abruptly, like she wanted to me to stay. Steven stood up abruptly as he just realized what I had said. I quickly realized that if I was gonna leave, it had to be now, before they fought against it. I booked it outa there.


I made it to the edge of the water, staring out. They didn't try to come after me, what a relief. I sat there for a few hours, staring out, maybe they didn't know where I was? Oh well. I went to Homeworld, knowing that they would never look there. Why you ask? Pink. I closed my eyes, avoiding all the wall displays of her that were being taken down. I put my head down, but still enough to see where I was going.

I made it out of that metaphorical dungeon, for me at least and ended out in that cleanER air. The. I saw it, a lovely little house that a cute couple made, it was so cute, I needed it. I did what I had to, and pounced on them, I opened my mouth as I landed on the taller ones back, I stared to vore them whole, like a snake after hibernation. I had soon finished and looked at the shocked girlfriend while licking my lips. I started them when I jumped on her head and inserted her head in my mouth hole, chomped down and she poofed, I then ate her gem.

"I feel so free, so alive, better then just sitting around while I blankly watch that STUPID TV" I screamed with all my might. I soon realized that 'house' was in fact a cardboard cutout. I looked at the innocent gems watching, they looked horrified, one even called the Diamonds on me. They had never seen another Spinel as I was made especially for pink.

"MU HAHAHA, I WILL BE BACK" I then shape shifted a cape on my back and dramatically turned while holding it, and bounced away. I knew I had to go back to Earth, they Diamonds would beat me or worse. . Leave me. I booked it outa there, to the warp pad and booped the button and zoomed away. I went to the beach, and I heard screaming. . About me. I needed to take my mind off of this so I went to 'The Big Donut' and walked in. There I saw the cutest girl , he name tag said 'Injector', I knew I had to make a move.

"Hello cutey, welcome to the big donut, how may I help you?" She winked as she said it

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"Hello cutey, welcome to the big donut, how may I help you?" She winked as she said it.

"Heyo, I think I'll get uhh. ." I looked at the menu "A your number please?" I winked at her.

"Anything else?"

"Uh, and two strawberry donuts please?"

"Coming up." She handed me the bag, her number was writer on the top.

"Thanks, cute name by the way" I pointed to her name tag labeled 'Injector'. I walked to the beach, happy with my accomplishments. Then I heard screaming, and I heard my name. . UH OH.


Thanks for reading, I'll try to update this often.
Btw, yes this is a joke.
Word count! 659 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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