Pregnant? (Part 2)

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Y/n: "I'm pregnant Logan" he looks at the test in shock

L: "for real?"

Y/n: "yes Logan I'm pregnant I don't know what to do"

L: "I-I-I m-mean I don't know either"

Y/n: "I'm sorry" I put my head in my hands

L: "don't be sorry"

We both stand there and with Logan looking shocked as ever

L: "I don't know what to say"

Y/n: "well say something?!" I say in a little of a aggressive tone to see his reaction

L: "okay okay sorry babe I just don't know what to do!"

Y/n: "I don't know either I feel like we are both to young and like everyone always speculated that I am I always feel the pressure of keeping up with why everyone wants"

L: "I've told you not to listen to them babe it's not good and we can't let the media and the press decide when we are going to have kids- I mean when did this even happen your on birth control"

I stay silent

L: "right?" Perfect opportunity to mess with him

Y/n: "I have missed a few days I'm sorry" I then sit back on the bed away from him

L: "what?! You have missed a few days and haven't even told me?"

Y/n: "I thought it wasn't a big deal I'm sorry"

L: "no babe it's a big deal but don't worry okay look we can get through this"

Y/n: "okay what should we do like how are we going to have a baby when there is like 20 people in this house"

L: "we can live at the ranch and then I can come back here for work I don't know but we will make it work. I think we should call my mum"

Y/n: "why your mum"

L: "Um I don't know so she can help us decide what to do?"

Y/n: "okay well when you talk to her can you make sure to tell her that THIS IS A PRANK!!"
Logan flops on the floor and holds his chest in relief as David walks in with the camera

L: "y/n what the hell?!"

Y/n: "awww I'm sorry babe I had to do it at some point!" He then picks me up and carries me downstairs "babe!"


He then drops me down on the floor and hugs me tightly

L: "thank god I'm not going to be a dad"

Y/n: "wait what you don't want to have a baby with me"

L: "I mean yeah but not yet!! And how the fuck did you do all this?"

Y/n: "you will have to wait till Hayden edits it"

L: "your so sneaky babe"

Thank you guys for reading and comment and vote for the next episode! What should it be?? Let me know!!

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