It's Gavin

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" So Dylan practically cornered me. And he wouldn't even get to the point. All that stuttering and stammering and glancing down made it a little hard for me to turn him down. But I managed." Tim grinned.

I rolled my eyes. She was really enjoying turning down guys. "Good for you."

"You know, I might have actually considered Dylan's proposal if I hadn't already said yes to someone else."

"Right, Garry."

"Gavin. Its not that hard to remember, Carson." Tim said in exasperation.

As we sat at our table in the dining hall, I let Tim talk my ears off about the many many boys who proposed to her. I decided some idle chatter about boys and dances was exactly what I needed to get my mind off my annoying roommate and Eric Williams.

"Who are you going with?" Tim asked.

"No one, at the moment. I don't really know a lot of guys." I shrugged.

"Well you better get started with the introducing and acquainting. The dance is in a week." Tim said.

"Yeah, I know."

"You're not planning on sitting it out, are you?"

"The hell I am." I realised I sounded a little more offended than I felt. But there was really no way I was missing the dance. The Annual Fair Dance was an unofficial student's version of the Annual Fair Ball, which was an inauguration event that took place a week before the Annual Fair. Anyone who's anyone would be there. Council members and esteemed guests. VIPs and VVIPS.

The CNA came up with the idea for the dance after they were tired of trying to stop the students from gatecrashing the ball. The dance didn't even come close to the actual ball in terms of class or glamour, but it had its upsides. For starters we could get a bit creative with the snacks and a little more flexible with the music choices.

"I'm not sitting it out. I'm just at a slight disadvantage here. I mean, classes haven't started. I mostly just hang around on our floor, where males are a rare sighting. Or I'm on floor forty-eight for my classes. I don't have to tell you why its slim pickings there. Oh, and I would've considered that one proposal that randomly got dropped on me, if he were looking at my face when he was talking to me. And if he'd bothered to ask my name instead of saying ' Hey new girl, wanna dance?' Seriously, who was that bozo?"

"That was Tyler. And I'm pretty sure he's asked that to every girl in the building. Except instead of 'new girl' , it's just 'girl'." Tim laughed.

"Fabulous." I rolled my eyes.

"Its alright, Carson. You have a point. You haven't gotten a chance to get to know people."

"Yeah. You know, usually this kind of thing doesn't bother me. Not having a date or whatever. It's not like you can't go if you don't have one, right? And I'm not one for norms anyways. But this time.." I glanced to my left to spot Tessa glaring at me from four tables away. Obsessed much?


"I mean, new girl right? Don't want to draw any kind of unwanted attention on my first official event."

"Maybe you can ask your cousin to find you someone? Be your fairy godmother?" Tim suggested.

" Yeah right. And carve myself a pumpkin chariot while I'm at it. No thanks." Ask Andy to set me up with someone? Felt ridiculous just thinking about it.

"Hey, just a suggestion. Anyways, we were talking about my date-"

"Right. Galileo."

"Gavin! How does Gavin even sound anything like....whatever. I know you're just messing around."

I raised an eyebrow. "Am I?"

Tim rolled her eyes. "Whatever. He's sweet. And he's a telepath."

"So he always knows what you're thinking? Jeez. Where's the fun in that? " I smirked.

"Uh...huh. You'll be a pleasure to date, I see." Tim said, to which I responded with an innocent shrug.

"My class starts in about ten minutes. I better get moving." I got up.

"Sure. I better go get ready. I have a date this evening."

"Oh right. I forgot. Have fun with Gamora."

"Gam- oh, just go." Tim sighed in exasperation. I winked at her as I made for the elevator.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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