protect the Lunch!!

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"So how was the dinner?" Toshi asked a bit jealous.
"It was fun...we're going to get lunch today actually" you said plainly. Toshi frowned.
"I was going to see,if you wanted to go to lunch with me..." he said sadly.
"Maybe next time -"
"tomorrow?! "
"No I'm off" you replied as you walked to the desk as the lady handed some paperwork.
"Oh then the day after?"he asked hopefully as he followed you.
" going shopping with yuri for the wedding"you shrugged as you began to check things off The papers.
"The day after?"
"I have surgery Toshi"
"The day after that?"
"I need to visit Miss.Todoroki at the other hospital"
"The day-"
"Toshi!" you groaned turning around highly annoyed as you glared at him. Toshi took a step back shocked by your outburst.
"I will let you know" you sighed looking at him. He looked at you sadly.
"Why are you so busy"
"and why aren't you... "You muttered and walked away. Toshi glared darkly at you as you continued to walk.

"someone's in my way I and I know who.... "

You normally don't change your outfit and that's exactly what you did. You meet up with Todoroki who wore his hero suit and it just made you like him even more.
Todoroki always found you beautiful and yet adorable in your uniform.
"You ready?" he said. You nodded. The two of you walked towards the restaurant as you talked and and laughed and maybe a argue a bit.I

Once the two of you got there and the chief made it on the house to honor the number 2 hero.
"Thanks for taking me to lunch"you smiled"I've been trying to keep myself busy for the past few weeks..."
"Why?" he asked.
"Toshi...he's a bit off" you sighed. "I only see him as a him as a friend but I think he wants to be more than friends...." you explained.
"Your not wrong...I would just tell him..." Shoto explained.
"I don't want to hurt his feelings thou-"

(Y/n) POV

Then there was an explosion and the building walk broke. Sending both Shoto and me flying from there seats. Shoto grabbed me as he allowed himself to hit the wall. We both looked up.
"I'm sick and tired of you taking everything!"said a robotic like voice.
Shoto looked and glared darkly.
"What is with you...." he sighed. He placed me down.
"Run and scream fire..." he said. I started confused.
"Why fire why not help?" I stated. Shoto smirked.
"You'll see..." he said. "Now go!" he said pointing towards the back exit. I  sighed.
"I can't believe I'm about to do this...." i whispered to myself.
"FIRE!FIRE!!!HELP THERE'S A FIRE!!!" I Screamed frantically. People turned as they gasped not looking at me but something behind. I turned and gasped there was a giant fire on grayish blue gloppy man with a gigantic type quirk.
Not long after two more hero's arrived Deku and ground zero. Deku landed in one side of me as he placed down Yuri and  ground zero was on the other.
"So what's going on?"
" some villain attacked Shoto and me while we were at lunch... "I explained.
" wait so a date!? "Yuri said "ohhh-"
"Ah shut it!!" ground zero snapped. "Why the Fuck do they keep allowing this dumb ass to escape!?!" he said irritated.
"How many times have you defeated him?"
" 62" Deku replied. Yuri and I looked at each other shocked.
" I know right "I agreed.
" You girls stay back we don't want you getting hurt-"
"Or in the way"Ground Zero added.
" How thoughtful of you "I said sarcastically. Ground Zero chuckled.
"Whatever" he mummbled.

Both Deku and ground zero jumped towards the villain as they began to support their fellow comrade.
The villain then looked at me and Yuri. I realized the look as I pulled Yuri.
"Run!" I called we tried to run as fast as we could I saw a shadow and pushed Yuri as I was grabbed. I struggled to get free as he pulled me away from the safe ground.
All three of the heroes stopped attacking.
"One more step and this girl gets it..." he said. I looked he seemed to be proud of himself. I tried my best to get out but he squeezed causing me pain. I winced as tears formed him my eyes.
"Put her down!" Shoto shouted aggressively. He looked pissed.
"I think not...she's seems very close to you...what is she a prostitute" he said. I looked at him offended and hurt.
"I am not a-"I was cut off by him squeezing me harder. I yelled in pain I probably shouldn't have done that because I began to lose my breath.
" s-stop it please... "
"I said out her down!" Shoto said stabbing an ice through his leg. The giant villain groaned Deku jumped.
"Detroit SMASH!!!!" he yelled the giant was knocked out letting me go. I Screamed afraid to die when I was caught by Shoto. I looked at him nervously.
"I....hate...heights"I stated. Shoto chuckled.
" I'll keep that in mind "he said. I smiled as he placed me down.
" next time I swear I'll protect you... "He said. I smiled at him warmly. He smiled gently back.
" I'll take you to another place for lunch tomorrow... "I'm off..." I smiled
"Well...would you care to spend the day with me...I get a break as well?" he asked.
"Of course I will" I said happily.

Little did the two of you know that there were eyes that watched you.

Burning passion (adult Todoroki x adult reader)SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now