Chapter 5: Love Blossoms

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" were awake!?" Jace asked Sasha.

"From the moment you kissed me, yes. In fact, before you kissed me I woke up. When you were obviously thinking to yourself something." Sasha said.

"Oh god..." Jace said. He was scared that Sasha would reject him. He didn't quite hear what Sasha said so he wasn't too sure that Sasha would accept him.

"Don't worry...I feel the same way. You're the only person that hasn't misjudged accept me for who I am...and you know I am not guilty of that terrible misunderstanding..." Sasha said to Jace.

"I just know you're too good of a person to do that kind of perverted, vile action." Jace said to Sasha.

Sasha smiled and hugged him tight. "You're the only one who actually cares about what goes on with me. Why are you so nice...?"

"Because no human deserves to be treated unfairly...especially when they have a cruel history behind them...full of mistreatment and verbal abuse..." Jace said. "It's okay not to be okay can tell me anything and you know it..."

"I know...but it's not that I don't want to tell you...Mrs. Chaeng would rather the information not go out to anyone or I'll be in bigger trouble..." Sasha said. He got up and sat up, looking down and feeling saddened, thinking that Jace might tell somebody.

"Tell me...I won't tell anyone...I'll keep it to myself..." Jace said.

"...Mrs. Chaeng is forcing me to have this sexual erratic behavior so that we can have more publicity...if you notice all of her big artists have been in huge scandals. And I guess I'm the one with the biggest scandal..." Sasha said.

Jace hugged Sasha tightly. "I love you...I'll be here to get you through whatever that crazy bitch puts you through..."

"It's okay really...I-I'm gonna be okay. I need to do this to get more fame for all of know?" Sasha was so brainwashed into believing what he was doing for the company was good that he was in denial, defending what little he could defend.

"Sasha. You do realize you don't have to defend that awful woman, right?" Jace said to Sasha. "You don't have to make excuses for need to worry about yourself more than you do about her."

"I know...but...maybe if I can believe that it isn't real...then I won't look so sad during interviews...and then I won't damage the reputation of the company..." Sasha said.

"But you'll end up damaging your reputation and I won't allow that." Jace said, holding Sasha's hands. "I won't allow that bitch to hurt your reputation."

"There's nothing much you can do." Sasha said. "My public image is soiled. I look like a dirty cheap prostitute in the eyes of most people." Sasha said, looking down to the floor.

Jace hugged Sasha tightly. "I don't see you that way, I only see you as the perfect human being who puts others before himself even though he should be worrying about himself because he matters." Jace said. He raised Sasha's face and gave him a kiss on the lips. "It's a shame that we can't be public, I'd be waving our relationship in front of people's faces, showing them that the universe created a perfect human being and destined him to be part of my life." Jace said, hugging Sasha.

"Oh shush...perfection isn't a thing." Sasha said to Jace while blushing really hard at the compliments Jace was saying.

"In my eyes, you're the most perfect thing. Well, right after Mr. Snowball over there." Jace pointed at his beautiful white furred, green and blue eyed cat.

"I'll admit it...that cat is beautiful. Snowball!! Come here boy!" Sasha called out to the cat. The cat came up to him and cuddled them.

"He's just as cute as you. Anyway, Mrs. Chaeng called me yesterday while you were up in that one ride I didn't dare to get on. She told me that she wants you and me at the studio immediately and we will sing a duet song about best friends. The song is called 'My Other Half'. I think you and I would be perfect. I'll do the rap, you sing the verses that are sung." Jace said.

"Sounds good. Let's get some rest and then sing our hearts out in a gew hours!" Sasha said. He set up an alarm and went to sleep. The alarm went off and Sasha got up and took a shower really quickly. Same did Jace. They put on some light makeup and headed off to the office. Sasha took Snowball with them.

"Perfect. You arrived early. Mikey, Lili, sing the song to them so they can hear what the song is meant to sound like." Mrs. Chaeng directed her older idols. They sang the song for Sasha and Jace and then made sure they knew what they were doing.

Sasha and Jace spent hours in the studio, perfecting their vocals for the song. "How does that sound Mr. Lee." Sasha asked Mikey.

"It sounds beautiful, also, you don't have to call me Mr. Lee. It's too formal. Call me Mikey." Mikey said, trying to loosen up a tense Sasha.

"O-Okay, Mr. Mikey!" Sasha said, still very tense. He was always nervous, working with Mikey due to Mikey being the oldest CHAENG Entertainment idol.

"That's an improvement. Anyway, how are you coming with your part, Jace? You think you got it down?" Mikey asked Jace, walking up and seeing the rap Jace wrote.

"Good, I like that. I wonder, why do they give you creative writing and not Sasha?" Mikey asked Jace.

"Sasha doesn't know how to write music. He tried once and was really disappointed." Jace said.

"It's true. I don't have that talent. I mean I can write stories. But poems and music are hard to write." Sasha said.

"Okay well, this song will sell well. Also, congrats on your solo project." Mikey said.

"Thank you so much." Sasha said. They spent the entire day in the studio. When they finished, Sasha and Jace went to grab some dinner. The bodyguards weren't accompanying them due to their shifts being over. Sasha and Jace were wandering about and found the place of that one café that they had went to. It was 8:30 so they had barely any customers and were about to close soon. They went in and a bunch of people came from outside. They started threatening Sasha's life, getting in his personal space. Jace started to get in between them and they pushed him out the way. They then proceeded to beat Sasha with their fists and feet, kicking and punching him. "Nobody likes you. Kill yourself and do a favor to your group."

~To Be Continued...~

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