The Idea

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"Morning," Danny Ocean greeted the parole board, as he took a seat in front of the people that would decide whether or not he would be granted his freedom.

"Please state your name for the record," one of the board members asked.

"Daniel Ocean."

"Thank you."

"Mr. Ocean," another member of the board began, "The purpose of this hearing is to determine whether, if released, you are likely to break the law again. While this was your first conviction, you have been implicated, though never successfully charged in over a dozen confidence schemes and frauds. What can you tell us about this?"

"As you say ma'am, I was never charged," Danny stated, folding his hands slightly in his lap.

"Mr. Ocean, what we're trying to find out is was there a reason that you chose to commit this crime or was there a reason you simply got caught this time," a gentleman asked.

"My wife left me," Danny began to explain, "I was upset. I got myself into a self-destructive pattern."

"If released, is it likely you'd fall back into a similar pattern?"

"My wife already left me once, I don't think she'd do it again just for kicks" Danny tried to joke.

"Mr. Ocean, what do you think you would do if released?"


Once Danny was at the top of the escalator in the casino, he headed straight for the blackjack table.

"Chips please," he asked the lady working at the table.

"Sure," the lady replied, not really interested,"Change one-fifty, quarters or nickels?"

"Quarters are fine," he replied smiling.

"Good luck."

"Thank you."

Danny spotted the guy he was looking for. Frank Catton was talking to his boss about something; whatever they were talking about didn't interest Danny one bit. Frank caught his eye, concluded his conversation and walked over to him.

"Twenty, dealer has nineteen. Good start," the lady said.

Frank came over and tapped her on the shoulder, signalling that he would take over.

"I'm going on my break now," she informed Danny.

"Here, thank you very much." As he handed her a tip.

"You have a good one," Frank said to her, then he turned to Danny.

"Hello Sir."

"Hello Frank."

"I beg your pardon Sir? You must have me confused with someone else," replies the croupier,"My name is Ramon, as you can see right here." As the man points to his name tag.

"It's my mistake," apologises Danny, a knowing glint in his eye.

"No problem Sir."

"The table is cold anyways," as Danny packs away his chips.

"You might want to try the lounge at Caesar's," answers 'Ramon', as Danny started to get up,"it gets busy after one o'clock," he finishes.

"One o'clock?" Danny asked for reassurance.

"Yes Sir."

"Thank you Ramon."

"Thank you." As Ramon watched the man in black walk away.

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