The Plan

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The siblings stood silently on the subway train, watching the young man they had been pointed in the direction of, pretending to be jostled into the gentleman standing in front of him. The move was perfectly timed, so that he was able to grab the wallet out of the gentleman's inner pocket. Emilia and Danny both smiled.

Following him off the train, Emilia pushed passed the young man allowing her to grab the wallet he had just stolen, slip it into her bag and replace it with her brother's card telling the young man to meet him at Emmit's Pub.

"Hello Linus," Danny said, looking at the young rookie in front of him, "Who's is this?"

"Who are you?"

"A friend of Bobby Caldwell's," Danny answered, slapping a plane ticket down onto the table in front of him, "You're either in or you're out, right now." Linus looked at the older gentlemen in front of him before taking a seat and looking down at the plane ticket that was being offered to him.

"What is it?"

"It's a plane ticket. A job offer."

"You're pretty trusting pretty fast," Linus commented, as he looked at Danny.

"Well, Bobby has a lot of faith in you," Danny answered.

"Fathers are like that." Danny looked at Linus a little intrigued by this statement.

"Oh, he didn't tell you," Linus stated, already knowing the answer, "He doesn't want me trading on his name."

"You do this job," Danny comments, "He'll be trading on yours."

"What if I say no?"

"We'll get someone else," Danny answered, "Someone else, who won't be quite as good and you can go back to feeling up stockbrokers." Linus looks down at the ticket and then at the wallet. He knew this was Danny's way of saying it was one or the other, but not both. As Danny signals a waitress for the check. Linus chooses one. As soon as Danny's attention is back on him, Linus is reading the plane ticket that was no longer under Danny's hand.

"That's the best lift, I've seen you make yet," Danny compliments.

"Las Vegas, huh?"

"America's playground."


All of the cons that had been brought together by Emilia, Rusty and Danny were standing around in Reuben's backyard sharing small chat and tiny finger foods that had been supplied for them. Stepping out of Reuben's house, Emilia made her way towards Rusty in a low-cut, short, skin tight black dress that made Livingston look as if he were about to swallow his tongue and Rusty glared at any man that dared to look at her in any way below the chin.

"Gentlemen," Danny greeted with a smile on his face, "Welcome to Las Vegas. Everybody eaten? Good. Everybody sober? Close enough. Alright, before we get started, nobody's on the line here yet. What were are about  to propose to you happens to be both highly lucrative AND highly dangerous. If that doesn't sound like your...particular brand of vodka, help yourself to as much food as you like and have a safe journey. No hard feelings. Otherwise, come with me." Danny turned to walk back to the house, Emilia and Rusty followed behind him with a hand round her waist, both of them wearing small smiles at the contact.

Everyone were watching the pair, smug smiles littering around, seeing something the pair didn't. Livingston was now looking down at shoes trying to get his tongue out of his throat.

"Man they're oblivious," pointed out Basher, he received nods from the rest of the group.

"What do you mean?" asked Livingston, eventhough he already knew.

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