Chapter Eleven

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Silver was right. She didn't want to talk about the clue or what to do next. Even being in her house was something she didn't want to do. Yet here they were, sitting in the kitchen. The same place they were just days ago celebrating her birthday. Banners and balloons still hung in the same spots haunting her memories with every glance she took. But wanting and needing to do anything were two entirely different things. It hit her heart hard knowing she needed to talk about everything she couldn't find the words to say. After finally escaping her mind with the millions of thoughts buzzing around she spoke, "I know. I just...I miss them, Silver."

"I know you do," he answered, holding her hand. "But let's not think about that now. They'll be back. In order to make that happen, we've gotta figure this clue out."

"Yeah." She tapped her fingers against her chin, wishing the answer would come to her. "I just don't know where."

Getting out of the chair, Scarlet decided to go into the backyard, wanting to see as many colors as she could before the inevitable happened. Deep down, she knew it would happen. But when she would lose sight of seeing every shade in the world was the question she wanted answers to. Maybe being with the fresh air and her possible last moments of seeing everything, it would come to her. While walking, she stumbled across a gaping hole in the fence she never thought was there before. But what surprised her even more than that was that this hole led to another. Underground.

Screaming her best friend's name, she ran toward the house again, almost crashing into him before bringing herself to a halt. Scarlet bent, placing her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath.

"What? What is it? I thought you were hurt!"

Huffing she said, "It's...Did you..see a hole in the fence? It's never been there before! Someone broke it."

"Scar, this is the first time I've been out here."

"Right." She stood up, pulling him along as they made their way toward the fence. "See? And there's even a hole that leads somewhere. I don't know where it goes, though."

Silver walked toward the broken piece, glancing over the edge where the hole in the ground was, still holding on to her. "Looks like we've gotta jump. Maybe this is where the clue leads. Come on!"

Without another word, her best friend jumped into the hole, yanking Scarlet along the minute he left the ground. She yelled before bracing herself for the fall. How dare he bring her into this messy place. But if it was the only way to save her parents, this was the only step left. Hopefully she wouldn't sprain a muscle.

As the wind blew her hair back, they finally landed on the ground, the pressure against her feet almost knocking her down. Scarlet stood up, trying to regain her balance. Blinking, she realized they left all of their essentials in the house. Both of their backpacks sat on the kitchen counter. It was so dark she had no idea if taking a step would make her fall or even run into some sort of animal. Who knows what they were getting themselves into.

"Just great," Scarlet muttered under her breath.


"Oh just the fact that we have nothing. No food, water, or even a flashlight and here we are stuck in this dark hole underground. No one's going to be able to find us, either."

Coming closer to her, or at least that's what she thought from the sound of the muddy shoes getting louder, he squeezed her hand in his. "We have everything."

"No we don't, Silver. There's nothing here."

"And that's where you're wrong." He smiled at her, swirling his hands around her letting ice form in between them. Brightness showed in the middle. It wasn't much, but at least it was something. "We have powers, remember? And when this melts, there's our water!"

"But there's nothing to put it in. And who knows how long we'll be down here." Scarlet frowned, reaching her arms out to try and figure out where to step.

"Don't be so negative, Scarlet. What happened to my favorite girl who always cheered me up with a smile no matter what was going on in life?" He poked around her cheeks, taking the lead. Silver bent down locating a stick to the right of his foot. "Look, we can use this."

"I'm sorry, Silver. I just...I thought we'd find them by now. I know we will, I'm just worried." She caught up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck wanting a hug.

He turned to face her, placing her arms on his waist, pulling her close. "We will." Smiling, he held the stick toward her and said, "But first we need a light. Give us some fire, sweetie."

Scarlet waited forever to hear that word come from his mouth, each little butterfly in her stomach flapping as fast as her heart was racing while the warmth flew through her body. It was no use denying that she loved him. Every little thing he did made her smile and being best friends for so long, it needed to be time for them to happen. But of course there were more important things to deal with.

Still, for just a mere moment, she forgot about everything happening around her and let her feelings guide her. Before she knew it, her lips brushed against his cheek, fire traveling between the two of them. Cheeks turning pink, she pulled away and smiled at him.

Grinning back at her he responded, "I'm glad you took that literally." He paused, looking into her eyes. "Seriously though, we need to be able to see. Light up the stick."

She laughed while placing her hands toward the stick, moving them in a circular motion before a flame burst out. Touching it, the piece of wood was officially on fire, providing light to everything around them. At least they could finally see. It was good after all, considering if she stepped just a couple spots to her right, Scarlet would trip over a wire. Even though it looked harmless, she didn't want to find out what it could really do. For all she knew, maybe it was just a wire and nothing more, but she didn't want to take any chances.

"Woah," Silver said.

Knowing he was talking about all the wires surrounding them, Scarlet shuddered. Her fingers shook, traveling through her arms and around her body. Whoever was putting these clues for them to find really planned on putting them in danger. She wanted to turn around and climb out of the cave, never looking back, but knowing better she stayed in the same spot. Both feet were locked to the ground.

They needed to find the clue and make it out of here alive. For once, Scarlet wasn't so sure if that would happen.

 For once, Scarlet wasn't so sure if that would happen

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