Well it happened

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         The sun rises slowly,taking it's time getting on the rice blue sky,bringing the last day of school.All students are thinking of great plans for practice in their summer vacation,some of them include finding their soulmate or maybe even themselves

Shawty Shizumi is a student at the Royal Archipelago Academy 'Saphyra'.The whole academy is a island-based high school for the best students out there who love challanges and are ready for NEVER forgetting experiences

By 9 am u can already see the students heading off for the last day ceremony where they'll give a well deserved good-bye for the 5th year disciples and a warm welcome to all the noobs that managed to get themselves into a surprise filled high-teaching unit

Happily abandoning her safe cave,thinking that she's finally early for something,Shawty takes off to school.On her way,she's being stopped by an unusual sound coming from a dark alley.

'Hec no' she thinks before continuing her path.After some small steps,curiosity gets the best of her and she returns to identify the foreign squeak.1,2,3 steps into the VERY dark enclosure 'omg why is it so dark?!'frustrated but still curious she finds right next to a dumpster a small chest 'is this an RPG figurine box?' Shawty ask herself while reaching for it but stops when she hears the sound again

She thinks for a moment 'should i open it?' and think harder for her safety 'of course i should open it' careful so nothing can hurt her 'YEET that crate!'.Inside the box was a very cute guineea pig  and this took a really hard blow on her heart 'cuteness overload'.Taking a moment to look around for something like a so called owner,she snatches the piglet into her bag and goes back home to leave it there with some food before returning to her previous action,whatever it was

''Who would let such a cute creature in suck a DARK alley'' Shawty asked to no one while taking some lettuce out of the fridge,after one glance at some clock she noticed,she's late again.Very mega ultra fast she lets the pigling on the sofa with food and runs off for the ceremony

Once in the academy's yard Shawty hurries up to the main part of the archipelago where everyone is by now.Slowly opening the door so no one would hear her,she lets out a relieved sigh and accidentally slams the door at which everyone turned around getting hostile looks from most of the students

''You are finally here,what took you so long?'' Tomoko,Shawty's best friend,asked her slightly angry
''I'm sorry,it won't happen again!'' Shawty replied trying to look sincere
''Why are you apologizing to me,do i look like a teacher or something?''Tomoko asked amused
''Force of habbit''

Clearing his throat,one of the teacher began greeting them ''Dear students,thank you all for gathering here for our W&G ceremony,i want to start by thanking you all for everything you've achived during our recent year,as you all very well know,starting tommorow the summer break officialy starts.Noticing the high grades cultivated during the year we,the teacher council,thought of a reward for everyone''the whole room filled of cheering noises

''What you think they got in for us?'' Tomoko asked excitedly
''Bigger allowance hopefully''Shawty replyed also kinda of excited

''The reward is...A TRAINING CAMP'' the teacher shouted,at which the students groaned and protested
''What kind of training is this for anyway?'' another student asked
The teacher smirked at the quetion ''wizzardy training''
''Wizzardy? What kind of bad joke is this-'' one student wanted to reply but got stopped by one of the teachers

''I think you all where told,when you joined the academy,that our unit studies magic''the teacher told the students in a penetrating voice which left room for no more arguments ''Let us continue the ceremony with blah blah blah''

''Magic huh,Shawty what you think?'' Tomoko asked
''Sounds dumb''Shawty replied disappointed
''Haha,well good luck then''
''What ya mean?''
''Didn't i tell ya? I'll go visit my parents so i can't take part of this''
''WHA ,unfair'' both Shawty and Tomoko started laughing

After the the event ends,our fellow pupils retreat in the comfort of their dorms,already preparing for the upcoming camp.Passing by a pet shop,Shawty buys some food for the found mutant 'what am i gonna do with it' she sighs and hurries home

Once at the door she hears another weird sounds,static somehow 'Did i leave the TV on?' opening the door she shouts a I'm home and enters,fully knowing she lives alone.Heading for the living room,indeed,the TV was one,but the one thing that surprised her is the person standing in front of the TV...it was a boy.

A male stranger,red headed and wearing furry pjamas was standing on her sofa,eating lettuce while watching a cartoon.Taking one glance at her,Shawty notices his face features,his eyes complimenting his tender figure...he was 'HANDSOME' Shawty thought but shakes it out her head and grabs the nearest object pointing at the foreign person ''WHO ARE YOU,WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE''

The strange handsome boy prepared for saying something but instead he fainted. ''What the-'' Shawty approached him and noticed a loose pice of cloth on his arm,blood still freely streaming.Panick took her for a moment,but she calmed down,grabing the med kit she starts bandaging his arm,thousand of questions plaguing her mind 'What should i do? call the cops? call an ambulance? nah,i shouldn't draw attention to this,i already have many problems,i'll get my answers in the morning but dem he's handsome,don't mind kidnapping'

The night already fallen anounces Shawty of how tired she is,grabing a snack and retreating to her room,double checking everything and forgetting about the guineea pig she falls on the bed,falling asleep the moment her head hits the pillow

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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