Another Ride On The Crazy Train

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October, 2020:

      As he walked through the house into the living room, Ashley heard Aerin say, "Yeah, I'm heading out to the driveway right now," as she popped up from the couch and started toward the front door. "What does the closest street sign say?" 

      This question let him know that she was speaking with Aidan, who was finally arriving for a week-long visit. She and Aerin had been attempting to arrange the trip for several months, but something had always happened to derail their plans. The first obstacle had been the coronavirus lockdown at the end of March, then the rescheduled visit in July had been scuttled due to Aidan having to purchase a new fuel pump for her car, which had wiped out her ready cash. They had made vague plans for September, but those had been sidelined by Bobby's surprise visit and Aerin's subsequent trip to Florida. But when Aidan had called Aerin just a few days earlier and informed her that she had an entire week off due to major maintenance work in her department, everything fell into place, and Aidan had called at seven AM to let them know that she was preparing to start the nearly eight hour drive from Missouri to Tennessee.

      Muttering a curse under his breath because he hadn't had the opportunity to shower off the sawdust that he had carried home from his current flip, he dashed to the mirror in the foyer to give his reflection a quick once-over, and after brushing some dust from his hair, he reached the front door just in time to see Aerin dashing over to an older model Ford Taurus that had just parked in the driveway. The door of the light-blue vehicle swung open, and as Aidan stepped out, he could hear both women squealing as they embraced and fairly danced in a circle for several seconds before coming to a stop. Then, just as he started to step out onto the porch, he felt something brush his leg, and instinctively reached down, catching hold of his cat, Sparrow, just before she managed to hurtle out into the yard. 

      Tucking the animal securely into one arm, he walked toward the pair as they opened the back doors of the car and reached in for Aidan's bags. As she pulled out a large duffel bag, he reached out and grasped it with his free hand, causing her to jump slightly, but as she caught sight of him, a wide smile spread across her face.

      "Hey there, Ash!" she greeted him. "It's nice to finally meet you in person." Then her gaze shifted downward from his face, and she reached out her hand, saying, "And it's nice to meet you too, pretty girl," as she scratched the small black cat under the chin. 

      He offered a smile of his own, and replied, "Right back atcha, hon. I would give you a hug, but I just got home from installing some cabinets, and I'm covered in sawdust, so I don't want to get you all messy."

      She let out a brief laugh, and responded, "Dude, I spend forty-plus hours a week covered in sulfuric acid, lead dust, fiberglass lint, and baking soda, so don't let a little sawdust stop you," as she stepped forward and flung her arms around his neck. He let the bag fall to the ground as he wrapped his free arm around her waist, returning the embrace until Sparrow shifted in his grasp, and Aidan stepped back, saying, "Sorry about that, sweetie, I didn't mean to squish you."

      Sparrow responded by wriggling free from Ashley's grasp and leaping onto Aidan's shoulder, purring as she nuzzled under her chin, which took him by surprise. "It looks like she likes you," he informed his guest. "It usually takes her a while to warm up to strangers."

      "Animals are far from stupid," Aidan returned. "They can usually tell who likes them, and isn't afraid of them. Also, I have cats of my own, if you recall. Maybe she smells them and wants to investigate." She put her left hand up to keep Sparrow from falling while reaching into the car for another bag with her right, as Ash picked her duffel back up and slung the strap over his shoulder. "Shouldn't we go inside, before Miss Fuzzy-Butt here decides she wants to have an adventure? Besides, I come bearing gifts."

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