Chapter Two

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   Reese choked on the sharpness of her words as she fell. They were long lost into a scream as her vision blurred and limbs flailed. She was surprised at Wren's calmness, arms limp, but grip tight, no sign of fear. Her hair flew around her in a jumbled mess, but her eyes were closed and forehead wrinkled in concentration. She easily could have been relaxing on a beach with too much sun in her face, but in reality, Reese was screaming her lungs out whilst they fell towards certain doom. For Wren to stay calm in a situation like this, she must have been crazy. Reese was sure of it. She wished to convey this message, except currently, her stomach was stuck so far up her throat that all she could manage was, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!"

   That's when she felt it. It didn't come in steps, like before. It was more of a rush, so quick that her ears popped and her breath halted; even her scream had been cut short. However, this wasn't from falling to her death, that was for sure. A warmth had flooded her body, searing hot as if the feeling of her bare feet on the hot concrete beside the pool during summer had consumed her entire person. Then it went cold, deadly cold. There was nothing. She was nothing. Nothing was nothing- that was- until she collapsed against something with a soundly thump.

   At least she hadn't fallen into sharp rocks and deadly waves; she had that to be grateful for. But had she fallen comfortably? No.

   Wren had received the luxury of falling directly into Reese's bed, for which the bed's heavy clang of springs did not sound thankful for. On the other hand, Reese had taken the majority of the blunt force trauma from the descent. Her body had the familiar red-carpeted floor to break her fall. Luckily, the floor beneath her held tight instead of her being thrown through to the ground level. She had, after all, fell over three stories into her bedroom carpet. Reese suspected she had at least one fractured rib. The pain agreed.

   Her body was going to reveal some serious bruising within the next couple of days, and in holding Wren's hand throughout the entire jump, her wrist had been slammed into the wooden edge of the bed between the two of them. Reese could already feel her nose swelling from practically belly-flopping into the ground. Her lips were numb and her feet freezing from the travel, but her body seemed to be functioning rather well, considering last time this happened, she passed out. Maybe it was only the adrenaline (or pain) that was keeping her awake.

   Though both girls seemed functioning well enough, each breathing heavily, neither moved to get up. Reese's face rested muffled against the carpeting and Wren's lay tight against her comforter. Reese wasn't quite sure that the girl heard her through her carpet filled mouth when she muttered, "Let me be the first to say, ow." If she did hear, she took no notice.

   A series of creeks foreign to Wren, but familiar to Reese filled both girls' ears. Wren's head raised slightly, cocked at an angle, her eyes filled with confusion. It took a second for Reese to register what was happening, a second that she shouldn't have had time to spare. "Somebody is coming up the stairs!" The words felt too late, too sluggish coming out of Reese's mouth. 

  Part of her began to wonder if maybe it was for the best if one of her parents found Wren there, that was what she had wanted, right? After what she had seen would that still be for the best? Or was Reese just as crazy as Wren? Her amazement and stunned bewilderment may have once clouded her brain on the island with Wren, but now she was home she didn't know what to think.

   Wren's face burst with anxiety as she bolted upright and quickly snuck across the ground, stealthily shutting the window, sticking the edge of her shirt in the hinge so that it wouldn't creak before ripping it out the second it closed. As soon as it shut, as if she had been there the whole time, Wren dived into Reese's tiny closet, holding her knees to her chest while sitting on top of the large pile of clothes and trash. No later than she closed its door was the bedroom's opened.

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