Kacchan, slow d-

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  Katsuki picked out an outfit in less than two minutes. He looked at himself in the mirror then moved along. A moment and a huff later, he was back in the closet.
  Damnit, Deku!


  "Mom!" Izuku was just checking in with the hostess when a shorter plumpier gender-bend version of himself squeezed him from the side.
  "You've gotten taller! I didn't think you'd still be growing! But, you haven't been eating!" Inko accused as she pinched one face cheek and tried to grab some flab from a certain other cheek. Izuku dodged.
  "Ah, mom! Did you find Shoto ok?" he mumbled through a still-pulled cheek.
  "Yes dear, we parked right next to him so we got all your stuff before he headed out. He was with another one of your friends." Inko let go of his cheek, patted it and stepped aside to reveal Mitsuki.
  If I thought I looked like mom, it's nothing on how Kacchan looks like his.
"That was Eijiro, you might know him as Red Riot - though he wasn't feeling red this weekend for some reason.. and hello, Mrs. Bakugo!"
  "Mrs., huh? That's some American titling. Just call me Mitsuki, dear. It's good to see you."
  "Ah! I guess I'm not all back here in this time zone yet, sorry!" Izuku began bowing when a new but familiar voice joined in. Black and orange boots came into view before Izuku slowly panned up.
  "You've been here all of what? Four hours? ..and you're already stumbling through your dimwit apologies..?"
  "Ka-Kacchan.." Izuku made little effort to hide his appraisal. If he hadn't already known that Katsuki had plans afterwards, he'd've entertained the idea that Katsuki had gotten ready.. for him.
  He tilted the flowers the slightest bit towards Katsuki before catching himself. Quickly recovering, he turned to offer them to Inko. "Well uh, we're all here! Shall we find our table??"

  Both Inko and Mitsuki sat across from Izuku, presumably so they could jointly interrogate him, leaving Katsuki to his right.
  "Please everyone, order as you'd like, it's on me!" Izuku offered with a trademark closed-eye smile.
  Katsuki couldn't help but twitch below the belt, while looking at that genuine face he used to hate. Used to? Still do? Oh.. but what I would do to it now.. Katsuki bit his lower lip.
  Unaware, Izuku thought how smoothly everything was going. His mom and Katsuki were strategic buffers to each other; Izuku didn't have to dive as deep into America stories nor did he have to articulate any hard-to-express emotions.
  They've even had a round of sake.
Shoto: My offer still stands, stay with me.

  Izuku was relieved when the moms started carrying out their own conversations.
  He stared at his half empty plate in gritted concentration, avoiding everyone's eyes.. avoiding his eyes.
He was asking himself, how does tonight end? When a big warm hand slipped up from his knee to the inside of his thigh. Every nerve screamed on his behalf as he quietly looked at its owner.
  Locking eyes, it felt as if it had been an eternity since they had last really done so. Now it took all he had to look away from deep unreadable eyes to surprisingly soft lips - which were easier to read.
  Washroom. Now.
Feeling the contrast of rough fingers as Katsuki removed his hand, Izuku excused himself for the restroom and rushed off.
  It being a smaller restaurant, he opened the door to find that it was single-occupant, no stalls in sight. He whipped around before the door could close but all he could see was a flash of red before getting pinned against the wall, between Katsuki and a now locked door.
  "Wuah- What..?"
  "Shut up nerd, before I change my mind." Katsuki whispered, hot breath on Izuku's ear.
  After biting his earlobe he trailed a kiss down to his neck.. his collar bone..
  "Kacchan, slow d-"
  At this, Katsuki pushed Izuku's thighs apart with one knee and grabbed one of his wrists, pinning it up overhead.
The notion of what was happening was so impossible to Izuku that his brain back-peddled to an earlier unresolved case, an easier one that he's ignored since that same wrist was grabbed earlier.
  Ah! Izuku refocused with a bite to his collar bone.
  "What business do you have with IcyHot?" Katsuki asked, dangerously.
  "What are y-"
  Katsuki pulled Izuku's head to the side by his hair, and started to suck low on his neck.. hard.
  "You've always been a shitty liar, Deku."
  Izuku fought back tears as he inadvertently started to glow with his power.
  "You gonna fight me in here? In this humble space, with our moms out there?" Katsuki admired the already forming bruise and bite marks he made, before passing a warm wet tongue.
  "What 'Stay with me' crap is he spewing?" He asked while holding Izuku's chin in one hand and rubbing down his front, then back up under his shirt with the other.
  Kacchan is bordering the line of my wildest dreams, and.. and whatever -this- is.. because he's jealous?
Their lips close, Katsuki began to ask, "What's the matter? Didn't you say you lov-"
  Katsuki noticed the shift in Izuku's eyes, and to this he backed off, refusing to acknowledge the slap or his now reddening cheek.
  Tch. Katsuki left, adjusting himself, door swinging behind revealing slivers of a hot and very bothered Izuku.



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