My hand shook as i put the first spoon of pie in my mouth. It was agaist my better jugement i ate the soper.
I put it in my mouth tangy spices and sour apple gripped my taste buds.
I swallowed and my head began to hurt, my mind spining as i felt some thing slip from me, but supriseingly i liked the feeling
How did i get in to this?, i hear you ask.
It was all becouse of him, gamzee makara. The tall dark haird he-troll. The soper adict that captured my hart. He convinced me to try soper, though i know it was axtreemly adictive and bad for you, i dint care, it wuld help me grow closer to him.
I still dont regret it, he is know my matesprit, and though im classed as mentely unstable or insane, life is fun! Now little brother you shuld probibly go to sleep