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2 weeks later
You and jisung have gotten so close in these 2 weeks. You guys would hang out everyday.
Sy: please Minseo, you have to come! We haven't hanged out in so long.
Ms: but I promised to hang out with jisung.
Jw: Minseo. Listen, you've been hanging out with him every single day.
Ms: I promised though. I can't just break it, that's not how promises works.
Sy: fine, jiwon and me will go ask jisung then.
Ms: sooyoung, no!
Sooyoung and jiwon walked up to jisung who was with his friends. Jisung noticed the two of them walking towards him.
Jw: Minseo will be hanging out with us today.
Ms: jiwon! Sorry jisung, I'll be hanging out with you.
Sy: no you are not!
Js: what is happening in the first place?
Jisung asked us in a very confused way.
Jw: Minseo doesn't want to hang out with us just because of you.
Ms: what no! It was just because I promised to hang out with you.
Sy: exactly what jiwon said.
Ms: she said it like jisung caused this whole problem in a bad way.
Jw: I am.
You rolled your eyes.
Js: Minseo, you can hang out with them today if you want.
Ms: but, I promised to hang out with you today.
Js: we've been hanging out every single day. We can do it tomorrow. Plus, we're roommates.
Your lips formed into a pout.
Js: we can hang out tomorrow, I promise.
Ms: you promise?
Jisung held your face with both his hands and looked at you.
Js: yes I promise.
Your face instantly lit up and a smile formed on your face.
Jisung's friends and your friends were at the back admiring the both of you. You turned your attention back to sooyoung and jiwon.
Jw: I told you.
Ms: fine. But tomorrow, I'm hanging out with him.
Sy: yea, yea, we get it.
3:17 pm
Sy: oh my gosh, Minseo. Quick.
You were to busy talking to jisung that you didn't notice sooyoung and jiwon waiting for you. Jiwon grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the school.
Ms: wtf jiwon!
Jw: you're spending another second talking with that guy.
Ms: but I was just talking to jisung.
Jw: exactly a guy.
3:57 pm
It's been 20 minutes and you were still stuck in the same store. Sooyoung and jiwon were trying on so many outfits.
Sy: how does this dress look?
Ms: it looks great.
Sy: come on, at least say something else.
Ms: it looks so good on you!
Sooyoung rolled her eyes.
Sy: Minseo, you should try some on.
Ms: me? I'm good with my clothes.
Sy: all you wear is hoodies, sweaters, jeans, leggings. But, even better, sometimes skirts.
Ms: how do you even move in a dress! You can't.
Sy: just try one! Just one.
Ms: no, I won't.
Sy: fine, anyways, we'll be done soon.
Ms: you better be.
4:17 pm
Yup, still stuck in the same store. You gave up and left the store.
4:28 pm
You opened the door that leads to your room and jisung was sitting on the couch. Js: back so early?
He asked while looking at his phone. You walked towards him and sat yourself down on the space next to him.
Ms: yea, I just left them. Hanging out with you is way better.
Js: really huh?
Ms: yea, all they did was try on 20 different dresses and made me wait for them. I don't even like dresses that's the thing.
Jisung laughed at you complaining non stop.
Ms: I left when we were only in the first store.
Js: ok how about we hang out for the rest if the day?
Ms: please, I really needed that.
Js: the arcade?
Ms: ok!
You and jisung left the room and walked to the arcade which was only 10 minutes walk away.
5:56 pm
Ms: jisung, you have to help me! I'm gonna die!
Js: I have so many zombies in front of me though! Do it yourself!
Js: wait!
Ms: you know what, never mind, I killed them all by myself!
Js: 3 seconds ago you were screaming for help.
Ms: chill, I'm done!
You and jisung started laughing out of nowhere. Your phone rang out of nowhere. You took a quick glance at the caller's ID and answered your phone.
Ms: hello?
Ms: uh, I'm at the arcade.
Jw: we told you to wait!
Ms: haha yea, ok bye.
Jw: you piece of shi-
You ended the call.
Js: let me guess, sooyoung or jiwon?
Ms: yea, jiwon.
Js: they just be wondering where you are.
Ms: and I'll be dead once they find out that I'm with you.
Your phone ringed, you looked at your phone to check. You opened the notification.


Parkjisung [With this crackhead 💕]

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Parkjisung [With this crackhead 💕]

You smiled at the post.
Js: come on Minseo, we should head back.
You smiled and nodded your head. He grabbed your hand and you followed him while looking at your phone one last time.
6:18 pm
Once you got back, you put down your things and got ready to shower. Before that, you took your makeup off and hopped into the shower.
15 minutes later
You got out of the shower and wore your clothes. You did your nightly skincare and blew dry your hair. Afterwards, you got ready for bed.
Jisung's pov
When we reached our room, Minseo went to shower. I sat on the couch waiting for her to finish. You received a text from someone. You checked your phone and saw that it was from mark.

Mark lee
Where were you today?
                                                                           I went to the arcade with Minseo, why?
Mark lee
Why are you always with her?
                                                                                                                   Because I can.
Mark lee

Ms: jisung!
Minseo called from her room. You walked to her room.
Minseo pov
Jisung walked in your room.
Js: yea?
Ms: goodnight!
Js: goodnight Minseo.
A smile crept on jisung's face. Jisung was about to leave when you said,
Ms: jisung, can you give me a hug.
Jisung turned around and your arms were out. He walked to you and hugged you. He squeezed you until you couldn't breathe.
Ms: jisung! I-
Js: you what?
Ms: I, I can't breathe.
Js: oh sorry.
Jisung apologised as he slowly let's go of you.
Js: anyway, I'll head to bed.
Ms: goodnight jisung!
Js: goodnight.
Jisung left your room and headed back to his, switching of the lights on the way. You slowly closed your eyes and sleep took over your body.

Note: hehe, hope y'all are enjoying this story. Haha, yea I know right, pretty boring.

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