The Message

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The end of my life began with me reading on a beach the waves were slowly and almost soundlessly crashing against the sand creating a hypnotic sound the sun was warm against my pale skin and the sand crunched beneath my feet I have always loved the beach and the water which is something I didn't inherit from my mother it's just that the beach is always so calming and welcoming the beach was where a thousand memories were made I mean after all Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood got married on a beach it makes me forget about the situation that was happening to all of us at the moment things have been quite calm ever since what happened in Idris we rarely ever see a demon anymore I guess it should be a good thing it gives us more time to prepare for what The Centurions might do next they might've said that they would stay in Idris but they also aren't exactly the type of people you trust we all know that they have something much more dangerous and deadly than kicking of us out of Idris i smelled the familiar scent of morning pancakes and looked behind myself to see my best friend Sabrina Blackthorn the adopted daughter of Helen Blackthorn and Aline Penhallow walking towards me. Stop posing like a model for a perfume add and help me in the kitchen. Sabrina said jokingly I smirked and returned to reading my book Sabrina plopped down next to me and grabbed the book out of my hand I gasp and Sabrina smirks at my reaction You can't just do that. I say offended Just did. Sabrina says Well now you aren't getting any attention from attention. I say turning away from her Oh come on Annie I was just playing around. I cringe at the nickname she's been calling me ever since we've known each other I ended up laying down on the soft warm sand Sabrina got up and stood over me I look up at her and smile she was always so beautiful much more beautiful than me long soft locks of blonde hair fair skin and earthy green eyes she was brighter than the entire sun I kicked her feet and she ended up falling on top of me we glimpsed deeply into each other's eyes and then the scream came both me and Sabrina jumped up at the loud sound coming from the Los Angeles institute we ran all the way back to the giant glass building that rose over us like a spaceship Sabrina opened the doors and we both walked into chaos everyone in the building was either running around or screaming and then we saw the reason for the chaos that unfolded around us the dead body of a shadowhunter his throat was cut and a message written in his blood was everywhere Bring Me Blackthorn Blood the message said and then Andrea gasped at the bloody message and ran upstairs crying

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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