Literally the entire story in one chapter

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After placing my suitcase full of clothes and other useless crap in the backseat, I climbed into the passenger seat. I buckled in my seatbelt while my mom talked on the phone with her boss.

"No, Roger, I won't just 'send them in an Uber'. You know that can be dangerous. Haven't you heard of all those stories on the news? ... I already told you, it's too far for them to walk... I know you want to now, but this'll only take a little bit... I'll be in the office in less than 30 minutes, then you can have me all summer long." She purred, biting her lips and smiling as she turned the key to start the car.

I gagged. They've been having an affair behind their spouses' backs for 8 months. I found out when I walked in on one of their "meetings" during bring-your-kid-to-work day, which happened to be on my birthday. So, thanks for that great gift, mom. She threatened to send me to summer camp if I told dad. I did it anyways, but I didn't need to. He knew from the beginning but didn't care, as long as she was making good money. I'm not that surprised, if I'm being honest. I knew their relationship was messed up from all the yelling and broken bottles, but I thought he'd at least care that she's sleeping with someone else. Anyways, that's why I'm here, going to some stupid camp for the summer while all my other friends are probably having some huge party that I could've gone to. But, no, I just had to tell dad about my mom's stupid boss and how he's banging her almost every shitty day.

I looked over at her. She had been silent for about two minutes, even though she was still on the phone. Suddenly, her face beamed red and she moaned into the phone. 'He's talking dirty to her again. Disgusting.' I thought, looking back out the window. It kind of sucks that I've gotten so used to all of it. I dug into my pocket for my headphones and hooked them up to my phone. I chose the playlist my friend made for me on Spotify and turned the volume up as loudly as I could. I hope I go deaf so I don't have to hear my mom and her boss talk about what they're gonna do to each other while I was off at summer camp.

As we drove past through the city, my mind wandered to what could've happened if I stayed home. Would I be able to party with my friends? Would I try some new foods? Would I improve in kickboxing? Would (f/n) finally get with that guy? Would I find someone to date? I shook my head I doubt it. My eyes traced the outline of the city's buildings.There's the apartment I want to move into when I'm finally 18.There's my dad's work. I wonder what he'll do now that I'm not there to keep him company while my mom is out. I'm sure he'll find someone else to be with. All of his coworkers like him. There's my mom's work... I could see her boss's office window from down here. He was standing in front of the window, watching the cars drive by. Although he was high up, I could tell his tie was loose and his desk was cleaned off. He was waiting for her. I glanced over at my mom, she was looking up at him too. She said something into the phone that I couldn't hear, giggling soon after. Kill me now

After about 20 minutes, the car stopped in front of a sign that said, "Rim of The World". I took my earbuds out, stuffed them in my pocket, and opened the door. I dragged my suitcase out from the backseat and slammed the door shut. The window rolled down to reveal my mother.

"Be safe and behave. I have to go to work now, alright?" She told me.

"Yeah, go fuck your boss and leave your child at some stupid summer camp. See you when school starts, if you and dad are even together by then." I muttered, stomping off to entrance.

A man with a counselor's uniform on came up to me and said, "Hey, kid. I saw how you cussed out your mom. Are you good? That was some intense shit, y'know?" he chuckled nervously.

"Oh, uh, sorry. Just ignore that. So, where do I sign in?" I asked. I felt bad for making a scene, but I was pissed off.

"Ok, well, I am your leader, Logan. Now, if you go over to the mess hall, there'll be a scrawny white guy with a funny looking outfit on. He can get you signed in and get you to a cabin." He explained, pointing to a large cabin.

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