1. baby mama

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"HEY VENUS" SAYS HARRY, looking up from his phone and giving me a smirk.

god, he was hot.

"hey, harry" i smile, trying not to act as though i hadn't been checking him out two seconds ago.

"hi, i'm venus." i say to the girl no older than 6, with her arms wrapped tightly around harry's leg. she blushes and nuzzles her head deeper into his hip.

"this is gemma, my sister" says harry picking up the young girl, and kissing her on the cheek. "she's staying with me for a bit while my mum and step-dad move." he looks into my eyes and before i even knew what i was saying the words came tumbling out of my mouth.

"y'know if you need run any errands or anything i can look after gemma." i say, before i mentally slap myself.  i have almost no experience with kids and here i am offering to babysit my neighbor i barely knows sister.

my very hot neighbor.

"really? oh, that'd be great." harry smiles at me again and i completely forget everything.

"yeah..." i dreamily say.

get it together venus!

"um..." i clear my throat before awkwardly walking back into my house. "bye." i say to the boy and his sister before shutting my door and slumping to the floor.

"venus!" i hear from the back of the kitchen as i try to stack the dirty dishes, almost dropping three in the process. i place them in the sink before speed walking to gina's office, my shoes squeaking against the linoleum floor.

"yeah gina?" i attempt to say in a friendly way as i wipe my hands on my apron, smiling at my boss. she frowns at me before putting down her pen and taking off her glasses.

gina was a hardworking woman in her mid 40s, who could only be described as a bitch who doesn't know she is one. however, she knows what she wants and knows how to get it. all i know about her personal life is that she has two kids and a husband, but she tends to keep any information about them to herself.

"why have you been slacking off? its peak hour right now and i need everyone to be putting in effort. this restaurant requires a team to function, and we need to work together." she says in a stern voice. if im being honest, the thought of harry had been keeping me busy all afternoon, despite the fact I barely knew him, but his smile was just so-

"venus?" gina says, snapping her fingers in my face, causing me to flinch back.

"sorry gina, i've just been distracted." i mentally curse at myself for letting him distract me, our talk today was one of the longest conversations we'd ever had, and i'd already pulled the whole 'let me look after your sister so you can think of me as a hot baby mama' plan. not on purpose though.

even though it was a good plan.

"well i can see that, you better snap out of it though, you still have three hours left of your shift." gina rolls her eyes at me before putting her glasses back on and resuming her paperwork.

"no need to remind me" i mutter under my breath, before looking back up to see gina glaring at me. i awkwardly giggle before backing out of the office and resume scrubbing muck off the dirty dishes.

the chapters will start getting longer! I just wanted to introduce gina and harry (and gemma ofc) into the story and have it progress over time.

also this is the first story i've ever written so if you have any constructive criticism or tips feel free to leave that here.

don't forget to comment and vote!


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