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july, 2017

"ever think about the future?"

yoo nara's voice came out soft, but the boy next to her stiffened.

"f-future? what do you mean?"

"you know, like you and me. do you ever, i don't know, think about what it'd be like to have kids?"

jaehyun practically choked on his drink and ended up a coughing mess, which caused his girlfriend to sigh silently. "guess not..."

jaehyun faced his girlfriend, whose eyes were trained on the sidewalk ahead. though it was dark, the boy could see nara's red cheeks. he cleared his throat once before giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "honestly, i've thought about it in the past; but that was before i debuted. we're only twenty, nara. don't you think we're a little young to be talking about that?"

nara kept her eyes ahead. lately, she and jaehyun had been a bit distant lately-especially since nct 127 recently had their comeback with cherry bomb. still, the girl didn't want their relationship to end badly. she wanted a future with a husband and kids, despite being young. jaehyun kept his gaze on the side of her face; completely mystified by her beauty.

nara knew jaehyun loved her. she just hoped he loved her enough to either become a part of her future or let her go easily.

jaehyun sighed and took his headphones off before leaning back in his chair. he and johnny had just finished another episode of nct night night, but he had been distracted and that frustrated him. the only person who knew that they were dating was johnny, and he seemed to catch on to what was going on when jaehyun didn't seem like himself.

when the guests and staff left, johnny approached jaehyun.

"hey. everything okay?"

jaehyun sucked in his lips, wanting to lie but not being able to. instead, the boy shook his head and ran his fingers through his light brown hair. johnny sent his younger a smile and placed a hand on his shoulder, the same way doyoung had done to him.

"well, if you wanna talk about it, i have some experience." he chuckled, but there wasn't much humor behind it.

the younger sighed and gave johnny a thin-lipped smile. "alright."

the two finished grabbing the rest of their things and headed out the door. however, before johnny left, he grabbed the slightly dusty stuffed bear that he'd placed on a shelf in the recording studio when they'd started filming, and hurried after jaehyun.

the two boys walked side by side as they made their way to the car. after a minute of silence, jaehyun sighed and glanced up at his hyung. "she asked me about having kids."

johnny's eyes widened in disbelief. he'd met nara once, and though she seemed nice, her kindness felt almost scripted. as if she were acting. johnny shut his mouth and searched for something-anything to say.


jaehyun let out a short laugh and nodded his head, his eyes now trained on the tile of the hallway floor.


the boys were silent for a little while until johnny faced his younger. "well, what'd you say?"

jaehyun scratched his head but spoke quickly and honestly. "i told her we're still young. dude, i'm not sure what she's thinking. we haven't seen each other in months and she suddenly springs the future talk on me."

johnny nodded sympathetically, hesitating before saying his next words carefully. "so, listen, i know you like this girl, but haven't you noticed anything strange? i mean, don't you think it's a little weird that she brings this up now? when we're really starting to get more popular?"

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