
900 77 66

november, 2018

"y-you slept with your boss?"

his voice came out barely above a whisper as he processed her angry confession. a silence replaced the screaming, and the red that once blinded dasun faded away. now she just saw her boyfriend taeil looking up at her with sad eyes. betrayal, disappointment, heartbreak shone in them. it filled dasun's heart with aching regret, but she refused to let it show.

"i'm not going to apologize, taeil. our relationship is dying and i was lonely."

"why didn't you just talk to me?" his voice sounded desperate, and dasun had to look away. with her heels on, she stood above him; but she felt small. she knew it was a mistake before it even happened, but she hadn't been in her right mind.

"i-" i didn't know how. "i didn't want to."

"i asked you if you wanted to try therapy and you said no."

"i refused to become one of those couples that needs therapy to save their relationship, taeil!"

"and yet you didn't just talk to me." he trailed off, looking away from his girlfriend and rubbing his neck. he wanted to say he was surprised that dasun cheated on him, but he couldn't. and that broke his heart.

taeil turned back around to face her once again. "i think you should leave."

her eyes widened at how easily he had said it.

"l-leave? just like that? you aren't going to yell at me or make me beg for forgiveness?"

taeil stared at her, a sad look flashing in front of his eyes. "if you need me to yell at you to forgive yourself, i pity you."

dasun's face dropped as tears collected in her eyes. "taeil-"

"get out. we're done."


"yes. done. i'm breaking up with you. i'm ending our relationship. i don't want to see you or hear from you again. how else do you want me to put it?" the female let her tears fall, but they weren't because she was sad. if it was taeil who cheated on her, she would have done the same. these tears were filled with guilt and anger at herself.

he's too good for me... she told herself as she reached for her bag, her face blank.

"i know it won't mean anything, but i'm sorry." her heels clicked against the hardwood floors, silencing once she closed the door behind her. with her gone, taeil allowed himself to fall back onto the couch and think over what had just happened. his expression remained one of confusion, even when he heard the door open again.

jungwoo poked his head into the room and smiled sadly at taeil.

"hyung, do you want to talk about it?"

since winwin would no longer be participating in 127 due to his position in wayv, taeil wanted to spend as much time with the boy as he could before sicheng had to leave.

the members were proud that winwin was going to get the opportunity to have more lines and recognition, but that didn't mean they wanted him to go. they had watched him grow before their eyes, so his departure was bittersweet-especially for the older members.

because their time together was limited, taeil and the other members spent as much time with the boy as he allowed. winwin's hyungs would buy him meals and his dongsaengs would take him to the arcade and park to play. taeil was glad that kun was going with him, considering the fact that they grew together. thinking about it made his chest hurt.

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