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*WARNING* 13+ scene below ;) [no smut]

february, 2019

he was scratching his head when his eyes landed on her. he'd seen her around the studio before, and every time he did he felt like he was having a heart attack. she was pretty. very pretty.

the girl looked up and hid her giggle with her hand when she saw haechan's messy hair. with burning cheeks, the boy quickly ran his hands over his head to smoothen down his hair.

when he looked up again, the girl was gone.

haechan furrowed his brows as he leaned back and forth in an attempt to spot the girl again, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"what are you looking for?" taeil said as he sat next to haechan, which made the boy scream in surprise. "hyung!" he scolded, throwing a hand over his heart, "you scared me!"

taeil laughed lightly and leaned back the same way his younger had done. the boy's cheeks burned when he noticed and he gently swatted at the older boy. "w-what are you doing?"

taeil sat back up and shrugged, but there was a mysterious glint in his eyes. "you're obviously looking for something-or someone-so i'm simply trying to help you out like the good hyung i am."

haechan's eyes widened and his cheeks turned pink in embarrassment. "was it that obvious?" the sudden shift in his younger's voice grabbed taeil's attention. he focused on the way haechan's fidgeted with his fingers and gasped when realization dawned on him.

"you have a..." he looked around and lowered his voice to just above a whisper, "a crush?"

haechan slapped his hands over taeil's mouth, even though no one was paying enough attention to the two to hear what they were talking about. the boy took a breath, starting to panic as he admitted it to himself for the first time. "i-i-this is bad-very bad, hyung."

though taeil wanted so badly to support his dongsaeng and tell him to go for it, he had to be rational. "don't forget about the ban, okay? and be careful."

haechan took that as a blessing and nodded his head.

he was not careful.

as soon as he saw the girl again, haechan introduced himself and the two became friends. she told him that she was a trainee, which he'd already figured out due to where they always saw each other. after talking for about a month, haechan confessed his feelings for her. she had returned them almost instantly, and the two started dating in secret.

"donghyuck?" soohyun asked gently from her spot next to the tired boy. she delicately brushed one of his dark hairs out of his closed eyes and rested her chin on her arm as she admired his sleeping face.

due to an injury that happened just after they'd met, haechan had to sit out and rest until march. soohyun visited him multiple times a day, every day. she didn't mind at all, and haechan made sure to frequently express his gratitude to her for staying by his side.

the boy opened his eyes and remained still as he looked back at his girlfriend. her cheeks turned pink, but she refused to turn away. she gently touched his cheek with a finger and held it there. donghyuck smiled bashfully, finally looking away from the girl. when he still felt her looking at him, haechan laughed and pulled the bed comforter above his head. he could hear her lightly laughter and smiled.

lowering the blanket enough so that only his eyes were showing, haechan wiggled his brows. soohyun laughed louder and kicked the comforter off of her own bare legs so that she could jump on her boyfriend. she made sure to be careful not to hurt him and placed her legs on either side of his thighs, her head pressed against his chest and arms wrapped around his waist through the thick blanket.

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