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june, 2026

all 16 adults laughed around the table as they reminisced in old stories from their past. almost two months had passed since that day in the park, and the members had been wanting to meet up again.

the guys often got together over weekends, but they wanted to do something with everyone. that led to doyoung and mirim deciding to throw a dinner party. thankfully everyone was able to show up.

after eating, the adults sat at the table with their drinks while the kids played elsewhere. everyone was so happy... and a little drunk.

five years had passed since johnny last spoke to jina. he'd made her promise not to wait for him, and she didn't. since their break-up, she's been on plenty of dates-but none of them were him. it just so happened that they were both single that one, fateful day. the day that changed everything for them.

jina had been late for work and unable to get a cab. refusing to get in trouble with her boss, she decided to run there... in a suit and heels. she had turned a corner much quicker than anticipated and bumped right into someone, causing them to stumble and spill their coffee all over her. luckily, it was iced coffee. jina had grabbed the man to prevent him from falling, and the two ended up much closer than anticipated.

once stable, they quickly separated and avoided each other's eyes.

"i-i'm so sorry! your suit... let me pay for it."

jina's brows furrowed, her eyes still on her stained, lightly grey outfit. that voice... it can't be... she looked up and her jaw dropped.

"j-johnny? johnny suh?"

said boy didn't need a second to think before her name left his lips. "im jina. it's been a while," jina's open mouth formed a wide smile, and johnny grinned back.

after the sudden reunion, jina didn't mind missing work at all.

the pair spent the rest of the say together-johnny buying her a new suit and jina buying him a new coffee. they admitted to each other that they hadn't been happy since the break-up, which led to the exchanging of contact information.

the couple married a year later, and all 23 members of nct showed up. while dancing and looking into each other eyes, they realized that they were now truly happy.

jaehyun was afraid of commitment after what had happened with nara. he didn't like getting too close to people out of fear of being rejected later. but when he met cha miyeon, he knew she was different.

they met when nct was still active, and she was nothing but kind to him. she supported jaehyun and never pressured him or got impatient. she accepted him for who he was.

one stressful night, after a long, helpful call, miyeon showed up at jaehyun's dorm to comfort him further. though she didn't say it, he knew that she'd chosen him over herself. she'd chosen to be with him.

the two started dating that night and both were extremely happy, regardless of the dating ban.

if felt good to have someone like miyeon by his side. jaehyun didn't know he could feel love like that. he treasured every second spent with her, and he knew early on that he wanted to be with her forever.

the two were cuddling comfortably on the couch when jaehyun suddenly paused their show and pulled his girlfriend into a sitting position. miyeon raised a confused brow as her boyfriend took her hands in his.

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