xliv. whisper of death

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       SABRINA'S SILENT AS Melissa runs a light over her eyes

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       SABRINA'S SILENT AS Melissa runs a light over her eyes. The girl feels horrible as she can tell that Melissa's scared of her. Scared to touch her. When the blonde notices Melissa hesitate to take ahold of her arm, Sabrina offers it to her. "Well..." Melissa begins after taking Sabrina's pulse. "Medically, you seem okay. You're definitely a real person."

"Okay, so I'm real, but am I really me?" Sabrina lightly questions. She doesn't get an answer as Scott walks into the room. "Is she here?'

Scott nods. "Yeah."

Sabrina sighs. "All right lets do this." Scott helps Sabrina off his bed before they make their way downstairs.

"Do you recognize me?" Mrs. Yukimura questions when she sees Sabrina. Before the blonde can speak, Kira runs into the house.

"Stop." Kira exclaims, jumping in front of her mother.

"It's okay. I'm the one who asked her to come." Sabrina tells her as she moves closer to the older woman.

"You're the one who's going to get stabbed with swords." Kira explains. "Mom, don't do this to her."

"It's already done." Mrs. Yukimura states. Sabrina spins around when she feels a presence behind her, one of the oni's. Another one appears in front of her as it grabs ahold of her head. Its eyes begin to glow as Sabrina feels a burning sensation behind her ear, she lets out a groan of pain as she falls to the floor. "Look behind her ear." Sabrina feels hands grab ahold of her as her friends check.

"It worked." Scott sighs.

"So, I'm actually me?" Sabrina questions as Stiles helps her up.

"More you than The Nogitsune." Mrs. Yukimura exclaims.

"Can The Oni find him?" Sabrina mutters, thinking of the man that is wearing her face.

"Tomorrow night. It's too close to dawn now." Mrs. Yukimura declares.

"Can they kill him?" Scott questions. 

"It depends on how strong he is." Mrs. Yukimura states.

"What about my sister?" Sabrina speaks up. "What about Lydia? Why would he take her?"

"He would only take her for an advantage." Mrs. Yukimura begins. "He lost the one he had with Sabrina."

"You mean her power?" Sabrina questions.

Mrs. Yukimura nods. "The power of a Banshee."


"Can you hear them? Louder than usual, isn't it? Well, that's because a lot of bad things happened down here." The Nogitsune, wearing Sabrina's face, smirks. The spirt watches as Lydia runs down the tunnel, trying to escape him. "What are the voices telling you? Are they saying that Sabrina is dying? She is, you know. She's dying."

"Then what do you need me for? You think I can tell you something?" Lydia screams, fear for her sister coursing through her body.

Lydia hears her sister laugh. "Oh, I know you can."

"I'm not telling you anything!" Lydia screams.

"You won't have to." Lydia whirls around when she hears Sabrina's voice coming from right behind her. "You'll be screaming."


"Ok we got an APB out on Lydia's car. Every unit on the road is looking for her." Sheriff Stilinski exclaims as he enters his office.

"Is there anything else we could do?" Sabrina questions, looking between Scott and Stiles.

"At this hour? No, not really." Stilinski shakes head.

"He took her for a reason, Dad." Stiles speaks up. "Look, If we can figure out the why, then we'll figure out the where."

"Okay." Stilinskis sighs. "What would a Nogitsune need with a Banshee?"

"I don't know, Lydia's pretty good at finding dead bodies." Sabrina tells him. "Maybe he needs to find a body?"

"Scott, you know more about this than all of us." Stilinski mumbles, turning to Scott.

"Me?" Scott questions, pointing to himself.

"You said you got the whole story from Noshiko?" Stilinski confirms.

"Yeah, but that happened during World War II. Like 70 years ago." Scott comments.

"Wait." Sabrina calls causing them to turn to her. "What did you say?"

"Noshiko told me about the internment camp-" Scott begins before Sabrina cuts him off.

"No, before that." The blonde shakes her head. "You said, the whole story."

"Yeah." Scott mumbles, not understanding what Sabrina was realizing.

"What is it?" Stiles questions.

"There's a girl at Eichen House. I don't know what her name is, but I would recognize her if I saw her again. I think she might be able to help." Sabrina explains, thinking back to the girl that was whispering about her while she was in Eichen House.


"Sheriff, Her name is Meredith Walker." One of Stilinski's deputies tells them.

"She's still there?" Stilinski questions. 

"Yeah, but they moved her to the Closed Unit." The deputy nods.

"Why?" Sabrina asks, glancing towards the deputy.

"They said behavioral issues." The deputy remarks. 

"What issues?" Sabrina presses.

"She wouldn't stop screaming." The deputy states.


"Hey. Hey! Sabrina, you're okay." Scott yells as him and Stiles grab ahold of the girl. Sabrina had been taking a nap in Scott's living room when she violently shot up, scaring both boys.

"What happened? How long was I out?" Sabrina questions, glancing around the room.

"Just a couple of hours. You should sit down." Stiles instructs.

Sabrina shakes her head. "Where's you dad?"

"He's at Eichen House, questioning everyone." Stiles tells the blonde. "Looking for Meredith."

Sabrina takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "Okay, what about the others?"

"Allison, Isaac, the Twins, they're all looking for Lydia." Scott explains.

"It's starting to feel like we're waiting for a ransom call." Sabrina sighs.

"We'll find her." Scott tries to comfort the girl as she reaches for her jacket. "You alright?"

"Yeah. I don't know why, I just can't seem to get warm." Sabrina tells them, slightly shivering.

"Maybe you should sit down. Take it easy." Scott begins to lightly push her to the couch when he suddenly stops. "You're in pain."

"It's not that bad." Sabrina mumbles, ignoring Scott and Stiles look of concern. "Just more like a dull ache."

"Where?" Stiles questions.

"Sorta everywhere." Sabrina states.

"Sabrina." Scott breathes out when he places his hand on her forehead. "You're freezing."

"Tell us the truth." Stiles remarks. "How much does it really hurt?"

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