Chapter two.

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The next morning I awoke to my alarm going off way too loud. I struggle to get out of bed, shower, and attempt to make my hair look decent and my makeup presentable. I have no clue what to wear. Be comfortable with sweats or look pretty for this drowsy Monday. I text Chris to wish him a good day and that hopefully I'll see him today. No reply... Of course. Chance texted me good morning so I replied back saying the same, also asking him what he was wearing. He said pants and a hoodie, so I do the same. I talk to him more than I do my own boyfriend and it's not that I'm surprised by that, but deep down I know that I'm not the only girl Chris is texting. Even though I am his girlfriend.

I get to school and sit in my normal spot beside Vanessa and she tells me all about her weekend with her boyfriend. I'm happy for her. He treats her good and does what she wants while I'm stuck looking at Instagram posts of the parties Chris went to each night. Ugh. I spot chance out of the corner of my eye and he's already looking at me. I turn towards him, smile and wave and he does the same. His friend whispers something to him but I shrug it off because it was probably something stupid anyways. I go up and talk to him for a few minutes, about what he did over the weekend although I already know what he did. We texted more than normal this weekend. He asked me to hang out but of course I said I couldn't. It's not that I didn't want to. But what would people say if I hung out with someone while I had a boyfriend. I couldn't see him anything more than a friend anyways. But friends hang out. Right??
The bell rings and I'm off to class telling chance bye, and I'll see him around. I get a text from Chris telling me to have a good day and that he hopes to see me soon. It's been at least 5 days since we've seen each other. Going to different schools takes a toll on us. And him being they type of guy he is, also takes a toll. The day goes by slow and I get to lunch and sit in my normal seat. Everybody at this school is so separated. The jocks here. The preps there. Troublemakers everywhere. The geeks right there. Sluts in the middle. Dark kids in the corner. But it's normal. Everybody knows their places. I wish I knew my place here.
I see chance and smile at him and his friends all poke and shove at him. I get the feeling his friends know something I don't. But that's okay I guess.

Schools over and before I know it, students are everywhere and I try to find Chance. I get a text from Chris asking to come over later and I text back saying that I'll find out soon. By the time I look for Chance he's out the door. Damn it.

I get home and my stepmother is laying on the couch. Of course she got sent home from work. I awkwardly stand there for a moment to try and figure out her mood: happy or angry. Happy it is. "Can Chris come over?" I ask her. "As long as you clean up some, it's a bit of a mess around here." Works for me. I clean the bathroom and my room. Do the dishes and dust, sweep and even mop. By the time I'm finished I have 7 unread texts. 6 from Chris. 1 from Chance.
Chris: "Can I come over?" "What time should I be there?" "Are we having dinner?" "Should I dress nice?" "I miss you" "Or not". Geeze. Sometimes he's annoying.
Chance: "Hola". He's so dorky it's cute. I reply to Chris and tell him to come over. No reply. It's soon after 6 and my parents are mad at me because he waits to text me at 5:30, and my parents tell me he shouldn't wait until after dark to come over. To my surprise they let him come over and it's 6:30 before he's here. I'm nervous to see if my parents are mad at me or not. But it wouldn't surprise me if they were. Alex is in her room and my parents are getting ready for bed. We can't go in my room at all. I don't understand why because I wouldn't do anything with him. Who knows how many girls he's been with. I don't. And don't care to know. My phone buzzes and it's Chance. "What's the homework for swagstaffs class?" I can't answer because I know Chris will get mad. I put my phone down and just watch the movie that I've seen a hundred times. He kisses me on the cheek and puts his arm around me. I can't fall asleep because I'd get into trouble if my parents saw that. It's almost time for him to go so we tell each other goodnight. I dread this part because he always tries to touch me. I wouldn't really mind it if I knew that I was the only girl he did that too. But his past is his past. Not mine. I'm too much of a goody goody to do anything sexual. I tell him goodnight for the last time and he leaves. It's around 10 when I get out of the shower. I fall asleep and I wake up to 3 missed calls from Chris. Wonder what trouble he got into this time. "Hey, I was asleep. Sorry." I reply and he texts back fast. "I'm sorry if I woke you, I just wanted to tell you something before it got out."
Oh lord.
"What?" I ask him.
Seconds feel like hours and he replies.
"I hung out with a girl this weekend and she came onto me. I was dunk so I didn't know what I was doing. I just. I don't know what happened. Until my friend told me. He got a picture of it. I was laying on her lap and she kissed me."
I am stunned. Not by his actions. But by his honesty. He told me the truth. I don't reply. I go about my day. He sends texts every now and then apologizing to me. Telling me he's sorry. He didn't know what he was doing. I don't believe him. I text him back saying it's okay. But it's not. I don't know how to feel. I see Chance and he smiles at me. I give him the best fake smile I can manage. He knows something's up. "What's wrong?" He asks me. "Well I think I got cheated on" I say softly. He looks at me with concern. "You think? Or know?" "I know I did." He frowns. "How do you know?" "He told me."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2014 ⏰

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