Uneasy Suspicions

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Blissful Ignorance

Summery: He was Potter spawn. An arrogant, rule breaking, attention seeking, bully just like his father. The one Snape would more then likely die protecting. The one with Lilly's emerald green eyes. So what happens when Severus Snape's illusion of Harry Potter is broken during a fifth year occlemancy lesson? What will happen if everything Snape saw and made fun of in the actual book was just scraping the surface of the boy's treatment by the Dursley's?  What if one lesson went to far? Deals with child abuse and the darker implications throughout the series.

Disclaimer: I own not Harry Potter.

Chapter two: Uneasy Suspicions

 Betrayed emerald eyes glance at me in horror for only a second and then he's off, running out the door before my brain can truly register all of the information it is receiving right now.  My legs follow him of their own accord. Not because I was concerned for the brat or anything no, I just wanted to know how he'd done that because either he had just shown me false memories (The most likely considering the fact that I would have picked up on the abuse long before this if those memories were true.) or the dunderhead was actually capable of using the mind arts and several things needed to happen now. The most urgent being that last memory. Not a single one of my snakes had better have scarred hands or the Azkaban sentence usually dealt to those using a blood quill illegally will simply be a far off wish for her when I'm done with that toad. 

Mentally I sigh when it becomes obvious that the boy is going to his dorm room and speed up a bit, having no desire to condone these actions by giving the brat even more of his beloved attention.

To my surprise however when he reaches the staircase that connects the main castle to Gryffendor Tower he turns right instead of continuing on straight.  From there it only takes a point me spell to find the cupboard he's holed himself away in, making a mental note of the unhealthy connection he seems to have with the small storage areas.

Opening the door I study the sleeping child that looked far to at home among the old abandoned cleaning supplies for a moment to make sure he wasn't going to wake up any time soon before lifting him into my arms. Shocked dread filling me at how easy it was to carry the fifteen year old even without a feather light charm on him. Yes, he had a lot of explaining to do once he woke up that was for sure. But for now I take him to my chambers, the wards would alert the headmaster of a student's entrance into them but Albus knew not to press the issue with me as there never was nor ever would be inappropriate conduct going on and he'd usually find a file on his desk by the end of the year. Of course he never actually took part in any of it, leaving that to me and Poppy, but at least he had never shut us down as long as we managed without his help.

Though it would have been much easier with it and his 'out of sight out of mind' behavior hadn't always been in place.

We have, or rather had, a girl named Artemis Sara Whipple to thank for that.

She had been a blue eyed thirteen year old Ravenclaw who I had been trying to remove from her muggle parents' custody since I first saw her at her sorting. But no matter what proof Poppy had come up with or how many memories of conversation with her I showed Albus would claim fabrication or exaggeration and put her right back 'where she belonged' saying that there was no way her own blood would do such things and all that nonsense.

It wasn't nonsense when turning up at the redhead's residence after she had failed to show up for her fourth year uncovered that her parents were in jail for having drowned her to death in their bathtub the week previous.

Hello everyone! I hope you liked this last chapter. I have a question/poll for all of you... Snarry or no? Is this going to be a parental!Snape fic or a true Snarry? I'm leaning towards a parental...And should Harry go dark? I already have a lot of this written but those are the two things that I need your input on.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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