5. Cool Down

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The hot rays of the scolding sun melted into her bronze skin, a soft light breeze making it the perfect summers day.

Rainy was laid, stretched out on a lounge chair. Her soft brown curls whirled around her shoulders. Her shoulders were slightly back as her perky breasts squeezed against the tight fabric of her bikini top. Her bikini bottoms hugged her hips and showed off her slender yet shapely legs.

She was a sight for sore eyes.

Unfortunately, those said eyes that she oh so desperately trying to get the attention of were busy ignoring her. Elijah snores were only getting louder and louder. The book he had been busy reading that laid on top of his bare chest fell to the side as he stirred in his slumber. He had fallen asleep the second they had started sunbathing. Next to her laid Eliza who was busy working on her tan with headphones in and sunglasses on.

Rainy could hear the distant sound of the kids playing in the pool in the background and sighed, closing her eyes.

She smiled to herself thinking about the trip thus far. It had been a few days and she was overjoyed with how things were going. She felt like Elijah's parents, who she had been introduced to as John and Sofia, had taken a liking to her. They had catered towards her needs and were giving the young couple the freedom to relax in their amazing beach house.

What could get better than this?

"Uncle Silver!" Her thoughts were cut short when the kids yelled out excitedly, they were currently sitting by the edge of the pool, attempting to dry off. They watched as the grinning older man approached them and started to shout over each other telling him all about their busy day of fun.

Rainy rose a brow when he began to tackle the children with hugs and spoke to them lowly in a crouched position. He was wearing a white sleeveless top and some black and white Calvin Klein swim shorts.

She had never seen her professor smile before.

Why was it creeping her out?

As he stripped down to only his shorts, she couldn't help but look over at him aimlessly.

It's not like she had nothing better to do.

Rainy watched avidly as he pulled the shirt over his head, revealing his sculpted physique, rivulets of sweat running down his pecs, arms flexing as he grabbed ahold of a squealing Cairo and threw him into the pool first. It wasn't long before she heard another scream. Splash. Kaya giggled, clapping her hands before ordering her Uncle to join them in the pool.

She was more than surprised to see that he had a body that could only be described as buff. His arms were toned and well muscled and the sight of ink marking his skin made her want to lean in closer for further inspection.

Silver's strong hands gripped one of the many floaties that swished around in the water. He let out a deep chuckle throwing it deliberately at an annoyed Cairo who scowled at him, telling him off. His chest was bare and covered with coconut oil that made his tan skin glisten in the gleam of the sun. He had a scorpion tattoo that hugged his biceps and curled up towards his shoulder. A gold chain spilled down around his neck and rested perfectly on top of his well muscled pecks. His usual messy hair was curling upwards and the sunglasses that hid his eyes to her were pulled off quickly when he abruptly jumped into the pool causing a big splash.

And to make matters worse, he was exceptional with kids.

Rainy shook her head to rid of her indecent thoughts. She needed to cool down. Fast.

Getting up from her deck chair, she threw the towel above her head onto the foot of her chair and disregarded her sandals. Walking over to the pool, she dipped a toe in first to test out the temperature. When she decided she was content with the water, Rainy lowered herself into the water with as much grace as she could manage, and then submerged myself for a few moments.

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