When They Are Sick

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Suggested by @ItzArya :D


He's an absolute little menace. You try to be a kind girlfriend. A loving girlfriend. A patient girlfriend. But... you feel it's a little much when Valt literally pretends you're his maid, doesn't thank you, and then gets you sick. And then, when you're lying sick in bed, just thinking that your boyfriend knew it was an accident and he still cared about you, he left you alone to play beyblades with Rantaro like the little pest he is.

You got over it eventually.


Okay, fr, he never gets sick. However, when he does, it hits him like a bullet train. Most people would confine themselves to quarantine or lie in bed for days, but Shu attempts to ignore it and tries to go about his day normally.

Your day is filled with literally holding Shu down so he won't practice Beyblade or work himself. It's a weird experience, truly.


Whenever he's sick, he never tells you! It's infuriating because all you want to do is care for him, but he never lets you! If you ever do find out, he flat out refuses to be cared for or the sickness has already broken off of him and you had to piece it together yourself!


This little emo gets so flustered whenever you try to care for him. His blush is more violent than the fever. He's always insisting "no, y/n, I'm fine!" But being the loving and supporting girlfriend you are, you pestered him until he finally gave in to your care and affection.


This man right here always tries to use sickness as an excuse. "But y/n, I'm sick! We should totally go get ice cream to cool down my fever!" Every. Single. Time. Once, you stopped looking after him when he was sick, and he actually puked all over his house, so that's when you learned that you couldn't leave him alone.

But that's when Ukyo learned too.

He'll sometimes fake a sickness just to have you be with him, because he's really hard to be affectionate for. You caught on to it after a while... there was no such thing as pretendinitus, but you kept the charade going. You secretly enjoyed it too.


I know I said all he wants to do is sleep: which he does. But when he's not,,, he's always hallucinating. It'll be 3am and you'll wake up and he's talking about the bloody woman in the kitchen. Like... bitch there better not be another woman in this house.

One time you were trying to wake him up and he looked at you and said. "...Grandma?" That time you were convinced he was faking. You think.

You were pretty sure.


You almost never get to see him while he's sick! It's so annoying! His butlers and maids care for him while he lays in bed like a puppy dog. All while insisting that he's not sick, just his legs are broken. For like the eighth time this year.

I mean, he lets you in his bed and watch tv, which fits your couch potato personality which is nice. So... it's not all bad.

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