Chapter 18 - Pandora BOX

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Forty two hours: it had been that much time to his impulsive act. The kiss; it was never his intention. He never thought of doing so, but he lost control. Her words were scratching his wounds and he wanted her to stop saying those things, that's all.

She didn't listen, and to stop her was a task, he had no idea about. His mind worked on its own, like a waterfall, and he did what he never thought of doing. It happened as suddenly for him as for her. As suddenly the bomb detonating and silencing the trembling world.

He was ignoring Piya since then. Slept in study room and avoided her whenever possible. The reason was simply; he didn't want to apologize because he had no regret.

It was his first kiss and he would be damn if he called it mistake. Albeit, the situation wasn't romantic, but he enjoyed the kiss. It felt like stars raining down the earth and moon melting for the sun.

Her intoxicated taste still lingered and the feeling of her feathery lips was addictive. He would've went for another round, if only things would've been normal between them.

Abhay heaved a sigh and shut the laptop unable to focus. He really wanted this time to move and Piya to accept him soon.

Mindlessly, he took the package from the table and rolled it in his hand.

A small noise erupted and died in it, gaining his attention.

Dropping his eyes, Abhay looked at the package. It was the courier, he received some days back and forgot to check.

"Well maybe it is time to check what it hold. Not something important, I presume." Abhay said with a sigh and slight smile.

First, he searched for any name of sender. It was clean package with not even a dot of ink. Abhay frowned. That was a bit odd but he brushed off the thought.

Unpacking the cover he discovered the box with a piece of paper filled with smooth writing. The writing seemed familiar but he couldn't recall from where.

Shrugging he took the piece and read the content.

The rise of moon
The rain of blood
The sleep of baby
The shot of bullet

Frown came over his face as confusion fogged his brain. It was creepy and he didn't understand who would send such thing to him.

Reading it over again brought a wave of shock as a memory played in the back of his mind.

The love filled voice singing that eerie words rang in his ears, stabbing his heart and strangling his breath.

His hands trembled and sweat beads formed on his forehead. Icy fog crept to his mind and shook his very existence. Opening the box with trembling fingers, he pulled out the thing inside it.

A small bear; black patches at its brown fur, mouth strewn into grin and eyes popping out in dark shades.

A dark toy that could dance in the nightmares of kids.

Abhay felt as if it was sneering at him and challenging him about something. He dropped it feeling as if it was a snake ready to devour his existence. Fearful darkness crept in his soul and he held the table trying to breath.

He couldn't believe it was what he was seeing. The past that snatched everything from him, his chance to live a happy life with his love, was crawling in his present. Why would it return at first place was a question he did not know how to answer.

His breath strained and he leaned on the chair taking a mouthful of air. His eyes turned to white ceiling but all he could see was darkness. Pitch black darkness spreading all around him and laughing at him. Walls seemed to be squeezing on him.

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