Chapter 4

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What she's going to do during the prince's absence, she wonders.

Ah, yes. Finish her cleaning in the prince's room and other duties he'll need to face the prince. At least, she wouldn't receive any more unnecessary insults. Even though she still needed to serve the prince's meals.

Before the carriage could walk ahead, a thought appeared in her mind.

'The dutied royal butler must be following the prince's ever going to fulfill his needs.'

Fucking stupid rule. Shoto entered the carriage, sitting to the most corner of the seat far from the prince. Then, following where he goes.

The flower shop, and lastly the grave.

What a beautiful bouquet of flowers, Shoto thought to herself. Once arriving, her gaze fell on the name written on the grave.

Aiko Suzuki. That name sounds familiar.

'Do you know Princess

Aiko Suzuki?' The highness's problems started with her, but don't take it as something bad though, Princess Aiko was very stunning along with her attitude, everyone loved her.'

Right, this prince's lover... she has passed away?

Shoto just knew about this now. The prince's current rough personality came from this reason, then? His beloved one leaving him.

While the prince was having his time on the carriage, Shoto stayed quiet, respecting the other's doing. Prince Katsuki must be loved her so much.

If this was Shoto's grave, will someone ever look at it the same way as Katsuki?

Her thought interrupted with the prince's words.

"Y-Yes, Your Highness."

Doing as what the prince has told. Not long after, they arrived at the palace.


After the two had finally arrived back at the palace, they were greeted by servants bowing in the presence of the blonde to pay their respects to the high man in the kingdom.

It wasn't long till Bakugo was escorted to a conference room were to discuss more about the party, there were lots and lots of ideas that were handed to the prince by some fellow friends from the kingdom or should I rather indicate as prince and princesses.

❝How about a costume party?❞ a red-head suggested with a smile.

❝No no! an ocean metropolis! we can all dress up like we're from the ocean!❞ A raven suggested with his beaming smile

❝Oh! I know! a masquerade ball!❞ The yellow-head suggested, looking over at the prince with the same beaming smile the raven male has.

❝What do you think Bakugo?!❞ his group of friends asked, One in particular really caught his attention.. Masquerade huh..

❝were goin' for a masquerade, I'll inform the queen about it.❞ - It was a while since they had done the topic of masquerade, well every year they always had that basic ball but the blonde's group of friends suggested new ideas that may please the queen.

And surprisingly it did, It wasn't too long till the blonde indicated the ball as a masquerade, after then letters were sent out to many royals to attend the banquet to enjoy its thrill and joy.

Till the day ended, it was another day of planning for April 18th - The party was being held outside of the palace and into the garden under the palace premisses, the eyecatching colors of vibrant colors of flowers made the garden stand out from any other, some corners of every batch were lavish with lots of gold.

Well as expected from the palace after all, For the whole day - the ash-blond was at the tailor, or so mina's work station, she may be a tailor but she is one of the blonde's truthful friends.


As the two arrived, Shoto stepped down from the carriage and thanked the Couchman for bringing them to the grave. She turned just to see the prince left without a word. Shoto doesn't have any words either, she just somehow- worried about Katsuki's condition. It must be really painful for her to bear. He wondered if there's even something for her to cheer the other with.

Heh, she bet there's nothing. A peasant like her, what she could do to cheer a royal prince?

Entering the palace, Shoto headed to continue her work on where he left off. Well, she'll just do her work as best as she could! At least the prince wouldn't be more moody or furious than he already is once he sees a clean environment, correct?

Shoto went to took the laundries from the hanging wire, placing them in a huge basin and entered the clothing room where the other workers were dutied to fold them. While so, she heard some of their chattings.

"Do you know about the royal party this April 18th? Our prince will be choosing his wife from different kingdoms!"

"Do you think our prince will like that? He often avoided himself from such meetings, didn't he?"

"I heard the queen has forced him to involve in this one. He sure will pick the prettiest princess ever, let's just hope for his happiness!"

Shoto tilted her head slightly. A party, there will be plenty of works that needs to be done. Cleaning whenever there's a mess and fill the empty food containers. Ah, it's alright! At least she'll have a peek on how a royal ball would be.

Placing the basin down, she only greeted the maids with a tiny smile, before going over to finish her duty at the different room. Ah yes, she'll need to mop the floor in the hallway as well. Taking the cleaning equipment from the storage room, she does as planned. Mopping the floor while putting the sign of the wet floor. So no one would slip while she did.

Of course, there are some guards around who teased by stepping their dirty shoes on it. Shoto gave her deathly glare once, then they immediately stepped away and not doing it again.

Don't underestimate Shoto Todoroki, all of you. No matter how low her class is she still can beat your so 'wealthy' asses.


Finally- the party day has come. The ball was now filled with fancy decorations and of course, Shoto has helped as well. Using the stairs to place the high decorations spot.

Then when the guests starting to come, Shoto went to the exit of the ball and stayed behind the wall. Where the other workers were still preparing and ready for the next cleaning up. Shoto peeked into the ball slightly, watching the guests coming in. Their clothes looked so shiny Shoto she had blinded her eyes by seeing them.

Noble Heart (Katsuki Bakugo x Female!Shoto Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now