Closed Eyes

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Dahee's POV
I squeezed my eyes shut and stood up, starting to back up from Jimin. He stayed lying flat on the ground in a daze as I took calm deep breaths in order to calm down. What Jimin said resurfaced in my mind yet again.

"I wish you would believe me when I say I truly care for you and love you, Lee Dahee,"

I shook my head, trying to get his voice out of my head as Jimin slowly stood up. He winced as he grabbed onto his shoulder tightly. I stepped forward hesitantly with my arm reaching out to touch his shoulder.

"Are you alright?!"

I asked, deeply concerned as he nodded although he was grimacing and his face was the colour of ash gray. I stepped closer, my hand so close to touching his shoulder when he raised his hand, preventing me from touching it.

"It's fine,"

He managed to say, spitting out the words as if he were choking. I felt a wave of guilt wash over me as I grabbed him by the other shoulder and let him sit on the bed. Almost immediately, he laid down on my bed while groaning.
I looked down at my clothes, realising I was not wearing my pyjamas yet. I looked at Jimin who was lying on my bed in agony and my closet. There was a moment of silence in the room as I was faced with a dilemma that was causing a headache.
How was I going to change? If I change in the bathroom, I'll have to lock the bedroom door and trouble him to open it when I come back. However, if I changed here, wouldn't I be practically stripping in front of him? How could I trust him to close his eyes?
I sighed in exasperation, squeezing my eyes shut for a few seconds before opening them and facing Jimin. I sighed once again. I can't believe I'd rather trust him than let him suffer.

"I...uh-I need to change into my pyjamas... Could you close your eyes and cover them with your hands, perhaps?"

Jimin's face immediately turned red as he nodded, shutting his eyes shut and covering them almost immediately. I sighed as I walked towards the closet slowly with dread, turning around every so often to make sure he wasn't peaking.
I slowly took of my shirt before grabbing my hoodie and slipping it on as fast as I could. I took off my shorts and replaced them with sweatpants with my eyes on Jimin who still had his eyes covered.
I was finally done changing and thankfully, there were no spaces in between his fingers for him to peak through. I mean, you never know what might happen and what goes on inside men's heads.

"Are you done changing?"

Jimin asked with his eyes still covered. I replied him with a "yes" as he put his hands back on the bed and timidly opened his eyes as if he does not trust me. I rolled my eyes, trying to stop myself from laughing as he sighed in relief.
I looked at the bed, sighing as Jimin stared at me with his big, curious and innocent eyes. He used his right arm to support his body as he laid sideways on the left side of the bed, watching me expectantly. I shot him a disgusted look as I hesitantly laid on bed and got under the bed covers.
Lying down on the bed, I turned my head to look at Jimin before turning off the lamp on my bedside table. I shifted uncomfortably around the bed as I turned my head slightly to my left again. My heart nearly leapt out of my chest as I saw Jimin facing me but with his eyes closed.
My eyes were wide open as I immediately turned my head back and stared hard at the ceiling, my heart pounding fast. I took deep breaths and shut my eyes close, trying to calm myself down.
What was I thinking when allowing Jimin to stay with me? Why did I refuse to let him sleep on the bed when he offered to? Am I crazy? Why was I doing this to myself? I grimaced, wanting to slap myself hard for even allowing Jimin into my bedroom.
Suddenly, I felt an arm on my waist, pulling me closer. My eyes widened as I felt a soft panic growing, my stomach knotting up. My breathing started to become rapid and shallow as my pulse pounded in my temples. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as Jimin pulled me closer to him, causing my heart to throb wildly against the cage of my chest.
With a bright red face, I turned my head to see Jimin sleeping soundly beside me, having no clue of what he just did. I sighed in relief, knowing that he was asleep and it was dark so, he probably could not hear the sound of my heart throbbing or see my bright red and burning face.
Trying to calm myself down, I thought of a soft and calming song as I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the fact that Jimin was practically hugging me in bed. Slowly, I drifted off and fell into a deep slumber, sleeping soundly.

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