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Aria's POV

I just got back from the harsh trainings my dad makes me do every morning when my best friend Xavian Black second and biological son of beta Lucas swung my room's door open while grinning cause yeah he has been planning for my sixteenth birthday when I get to meet my mate and bla bla bla ...... I was not a definition of a girl who wants a guy in her life all because of a stupid phobia I had since the time I started my monthly appointment with Mr Red as I like to call it three years ago.
"Hey Babe" he says still grinning.
"Hi boo " I say in a lazy and sarcastic voice.
"Don't be like that but whatever, I suggest you take a shower and dress up babe its ur birthday oh and trust me if u don't I'll help you" he says wiggling his brows 'advantage of being my best friend knowing my fear and using it well against me' I thought as I rolled my eyes and went to get ready .
We are now in the car on our way to where I don't know after asking the seventh time and getting an its a surprise I finally shut up and let him be.
In 15 minutes we stopped in front of my favorite restaurant of all time not because of food or anything but because my crush works as the waiter yeah you guessed right Damian Black my best friends brother is my crush . Well yeah I don't like relationships which is the reason I decided to crush on Damian , he is actually a man whore with no specific woman in his life and also super handsome with electric blue eyes ,baby blue hair and soft pink lips that has kissed too many girls for my liking. He has always considered me a sister which I am happy about cause I really wouldn't be able to deal with his man whore problems. I am snapped out of my trace by what Xavian says." I TOLD DAMIAN YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM ". I blink for about 2 minutes before I register what he said " WHAT " I snapped about to pounce on him when the best scent I have ever been attracted to hit me ,I started sniffing it and going in the direction it is coming from in a hurry when someone grabbed my waist from behind causing both delight and fear make the hair on the back of my neck stand , I turned my head slowly to see Damian, he's my mate OMG (oo moon goddess) I wasn't planning on getting a mate until I was at least 30 which is 14 years from now " . NO " I stuttered as his eyes flash different emotions from confusion to hurt then to anger."what do you mean by no "He says while I was thinking about what to do in the situation before me , he shakes my waist in order to get me out of my trance , but guess what immediately I snapped out of it I ran ,I ran without looking back or minding the calls that were behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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