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He stood back, separated from the crowd watching their theatrical show with interest.  He stared at her; his mouth slightly curved in a half smile, amusement sparkling in his eyes.  She met his gaze and could not help the shivers that raced down her spine.  When he pushed away from the tree and stalked towards her, anticipation filled her.  Her heart began to race and her breath quickened.  He looked like a dream in a loose black t-shirt and holey faded jeans.  She watched him gracefully move through the crowd until he finally stood before her.  A smile played on his lips as he offered his hand.  Her breath caught. 

"My Lady," he stated and offered a bow over his outstretched hand.  She willingly placed her hand in his-the light touch sent tingles up her arm.  He helped her step over her brother and pulled her closer to him.  She felt mesmerized, captivated, and then very....angry.  One dominating, overprotective hand took hold of her shoulder and prevented her from moving closer to this handsome stranger.  Her brothers would never quit! 

"Mike," The tall stranger offered as he extended his free hand to Mark and gave a giant smile.  His eyes never left Claire's.  It filled her with a giddiness she had never felt and she quickly tested his name silently on her lips.  Mike grinned at her response and ignored the fact Mike had yet to accept his greeting. 

"Very impressive show, I thought you were magnificent, very intriguing," his voice caressed her senses and she gripped his hand tighter.  Mark's firm hand on her shoulder reminded her that her brothers' ever invasive presence was among them.  Hesitantly she let go of Mike's hand which forced him to withdraw both his.  "May I have your name?"   


"None of your damn business!"  Mark stated and his grip tightened protectively on his sister and she heard the crowd's nervous gasp.  Claire rolled her eyes in exasperation and embarrassment.  Her brother really needed to learn some manners!

"Mark!"  Keith's firm use of his brother's name forced Mark to acknowledge his surroundings.  Several people stood staring at them in silent shock.  Claire felt relieved when Mark unexpectantly burst into laughter. 

"The battle was over before the prince could arrive.  Sorry old chap.  The fair maiden does not need a hero this day."  The crowd's laughter filled the air and Keith clapped a hand on Mike's shoulder.  "Better luck next time!"  Mike winced and his eyes narrowed.  Claire quickly noticed the whitened knuckles on Keith's hand.  Her frustration with her brothers grew even as her admiration for Mike flourished.  "Next time, Friend, do not intrude on the lady's victory.  Good day to you!"  He dismissed the younger man while turning to face her and Mark.  He gestured that it was time to leave and Mark took Claire by the arm and led her away from the dispersing crowd.

They only moved a short distance before Claire looked over her shoulder and smiled because Mike stood in the middle of the park watching them with amusement.  He blew her a kiss and winked.  She giggled before turning her attention back to the stiff, highly agitated twin bullies. 

The next day she stepped through the door of her required self-defense class and stopped.  Mike leaned against the back wall, casually assessing the small group of young women with a mixture of annoyance and boredom.  Claire couldn't peel her eyes from him long enough to look at the one young woman he regarded with particular distaste. 

The girl was firmly informing the instructor she would not do anything that might mess up her perfectly manicured fingernails.  When the professor began to respond Mike lost interest and looked around the room.  He found Claire almost instantly and grinned.   She blushed from head to toe.

Pushing himself from the wall his eyes filled with intense interest as he made his way across the room.  He paid no attention to the other girls who followed his movements, but she noticed how many of them watched him cross the floor.  "Good morning," he said, stopping in front of her. 

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