Smosh and Order

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(Hallo this is my first one you can give as much hate as you want and I just want to let you know that all imagines are based on Smosh's videos so if you have a video (y/n)'s want to be in let me know - Love TopGeek101 )

Shayne Topp x reader(Based on video at the top)

|(y/n) prov|

Here I am sitting and waiting to defend my boyfriend for the "people" in smosh court. "All rise." I stand up with everyone else. "For the honorable Big "B" Tigglesworth." 'Ian' walk in and tells us to sit down in a weird almost Beavis and Butthead voice. Shayne and Damien have a little chat to see if Damien is OK with doing this. Personally I don't think so, he looks like if a ghost pepper was a human he is sweating so bad. 

Anyway now we really start this trial. "alright everybody I will be doing the cases of the People vs. mm shan sham Shayne Topp. Shayne what do you have to say for yourself." 'Ian' stated. "Your Honor I believe the prosecutor um-" "Sorry I'm drunk" after 'Ian' says that everyone laughs a little even me. 

"Before we begin I would like to remind you this is Big "B" Tigglesworth's courtroom  and I will be treated with respect and if any of you disrespect me." After 'Ian' said that I raised my hand waiting for him to let me speak. Everyone looked in my direction. I was sitting on the other side of the alley next to Wes. I did not really have a script, they just told me what this video was about and do what I see best fit. So when everyone looked at me they had no Idea what I was going to say. Everything I say is improvised. "yes ma'am" 'Ian' looked and waited. "Your Honor sir I was promised food, when am I going to get that food and were is it from because I do not want (Least Favorite Food Places)." After I said that everyone tried not to laugh. Shayne looked at me and said that we will go out to eat after to wherever I want to go.

Courtney went up to do here opening statement. " Shayne Topp what do you think when you hear that name smosh-" "Bitch ya Little Bitch" I tried not to laugh so I sunk down in my seat. " acting the other half of Damian Hass and the guy not good enough for (y/n)." As Courtney said that last part Shayne does a quick glance my way. " Also twitter, Shayne has mention in multiple videos that he loves twitter but does twitter love him" She continues. " We have thousand and thousands of fans being exposed and tainted by his sad excuse of comedic writing and this acted of terror can't continue, Thank you your Honor." Courtney finishes and sits down as the jury claps. 

Damien went up for his opening statement  " This man is sweating on us." " O god it's hot in here it like 90 damn degree in here, I am just going to take this off real quick." I chuckled a little bit as the jacket hit the chair. "Dude we should'n have had buffalo wild wigs last night." Shayne says smiling a little. "Ya I know I have been letting out hot snacks all morning." After Damien said that I cringed. " My client Shayne Topp right he i s a funny guy  right, o god,  that's what we think when we think about him, there just funny tweets, It's all fun and games here to make people laugh, and um your going to take that from a Delta flight attendant." I laughed at that one, Courtney does look like that. 


It was time that the defense side to bring up there first witness. " The defense would like to call up our first wittiness um (y/n)." He panted as he pointed at me. I walk up to get sweared in. " Put your hand on the box." I did as told. " Tell me are you gonna speak the truth and nothing but truth so help you Kratos." 'Tanner' asked. "Yes I do, thanks Indiana Jones." I got everyone to chuckle at that. Damien then walked up to me and quietly asked how I was and to state my name. "I'm good thank for asking i would ask you but I know the answer to that, anyways my name is (y/n) (l/n)." "Can you describe your relationship to the defendant." "I'm his (girlfriend/boyfriend/other)." "Thank you, did anyone make you do that or was it by choice." " It was my choice." "K um so you probable read his tweets." "That is correct." "Do you like his tweets." "Um-mm" "Just remember he is right there and you have to tell the truth."  " There funny I like them." "So how long have you know the Shayen Topp." "I have know him for a long time know." "So how did you meet." Before I could answer 'Courtney' had an objection. "What does that have to do with anything." "Overruled I want to see were this is going." 'Courtney' sat down a little mad. "K so Shayne and I meet on Disney I was on an episode of so random and when I meet the two of you we just clicked and have been friends sense."(Sorry if you don't like that you can change it.)"So because you have such a good connection you would tell him if his tweet is bad, not funny, of hurt full." "Yes I have told him that before on some of then."

Now cross examination. "So (y/n) the first thing I am going to ask you have you committed a crime." "No why does that matter I don't think crime and twitter are you know what never mind." "My next question is are you lying to save your boyfriends ass." "No." "K um this is going no were um I did some research and that Shayne doesn't tweet about you a lot is there a reason for that." I look right a Shayne then back a 'Courtney'. "um I have no idea all I have is that were not locked at hip we get some time by are self's so I it's probable his way to have time alone." "K no further questions." "What I have I question, Can I get some peanuts and some water please."


I still don't have my peanuts but Shayne won. After that we went to (Favorite food place) and had a really good date. I then went to his hose and we played games in tell we fell asleep.

(Thank you for reading I love y'all-TopGeek101)

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