Chapter Four

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Warning there is cursing in this chapter, there might be a few bloody moments.
I. Do. Not. Own. Big Time Rush!
~~The next day at school~~
'Bell rings'
"Hey you guys it's already fourth period and I still haven't seen Kendall." Logan told his friends James and Carlos when they meet up at Kendall locker after class.
"Yeah...he wasn't in Algebra last period." Carlos said.
"Che...if it's algebra he probably just ditched the class." James said calmly.
"Kendall wouldn't ditch without me!" Carlos shouted.
"You guys! Kendall wouldn't ditch PERIOD!" Logan yelled throwing his arms up.
"Hahaha stop trying to fool yourself buddy, we all know Kendall's ditched a few classes before!" James laughed.
"I seriously need to make new friends..." Logan mumbled under his breath.
"AW~~ Logie, you know you love us!" James laughed as both him and Carlos slung their arms over Logan's shoulders.
~~~Knight Residence~~~
Silence... that was all Kendall heard upon waking up in his bed covered in sweat, he had dreamt of the night his mom and sister left but the ending was
different then reality, towards the ending Kendall saw his dad pull out and shoot his mom and sister Katie right in front of him as his mom was bleeding she kept asking him "Why? Why didn't you help us?! Kendall! You killed us! This is all your fault!" No matter how many times Kendall closed his eyes or shook his head he couldn't stop seeing his nightmare, looking towards his alarm clock Kendall saw that it was now the morning! 'Shit...I'm late for school..' Making move to get up caused Kendall pain, 'm-maybe I should stay home today...' Kendall thought as he laid back down.
'Dad'll be pissed if he found out I didn't go to school least I have Allison by my side now...but...I don't want to put her in danger .' Kendall thought as he slowly faded back into unconsciousness.
~~~Knight Residence Allison P.O.V~~~
'I can't believe that Kevin would do that to his own SON! Poor Kendall...I know he doesn't want me to tell anybody but is this all I can do? Distract Kevin?' I mused silently from where I slept on Kevin's bed, when I felt an arm wrap around my waist,
"Hey, good morning babe." Kevin growled in my ear, I shivered when I heard him speak, it reminded me of how he spoke to Kendall in the bathroom yesterday
"Oh? Does my voice send shivers down your spine?" 'Hah! The jerk thinks he's turning me on? EW!' "Maybe we could go another round?" He said all the while climbing on top of me as he began to kiss my neck. 'No! I don't want to do it with him! I only did it yesterday to get him away from Kendall!'
" know I would love to but I have to go get ready for work." Well it's not like I was lying...exactly.
"Alright then...let's go take a shower after all you want to be clean for work right." He purred picking me up and carrying me to the bathroom.
'At least I can get cleaned up now...' I allowed him to carry into the bathroom.
When we walked into the bathroom the bath was already full, I raised an eyebrow when Kevin set me down on the side of the tub in my clothing.
I felt a surge of panic go through me when Kevin wrapped his hands around my neck, making it harder to breathe.
"Tsk, You know Allison... if only you minded your own business...then I wouldn't have had to do this..."
I screamed. I kicked. I did everything I could possible do but he wouldn't let go of me. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. I was terrified.
~~~Knight Residence Kendall P.O.V~~~
I was Jolted awake by a scream, I wasn't sure who it was from but I know that it can from in the house and it certainly wasn't me or Kevin...then that
"Shit!" Jumping out of bed I ran as fast as I could to Kevin's room...they weren't there...Damnit where are they?!... I searched everywhere in the house but stopped when I heard noises coming from the bathroom, I didn't hesitate I rank right in and saw Kevin choking Allison while pushing her head under the water... it was eerily similar to how he would treat me...I jumped on his back and pulled him away from her hopefully I made it in time.
"ARGH! You?! Why the hell are you here?!" Kevin yelled as he threw me into the bathroom mirror, I felt the glass break underneath of me and pierce into my shoulders and back, I couldn't help the whimpers that managed to pass through my lips despite my trying to hold them in, I looked up and saw Kevin staring at me..he looked pissed...Turning away i looked towards Allison...S-She wasn't moving...I saw her chest rise and go down so i knew she wasn't dead but just unconscious...Right?
~~At School End of School Day~~
"You guys?...Maybe we should ask our parents about this..." Logan mumbled standing next to his friends outside the school gates.
"Huh? What do you mean?" James looked over towards Logan as did Carlos.
"Well...You guy agree Kendalls be acting strange right?" seeing them nod Logan continued, "I think we should ask our parents what they think...I mean its sorta worrying me...Kendalls never ditched watching a game with us or school before...I noticed how he would flinch or tense up whenever somebody yells, and he hates having people get to close to him."
"Your right...ok! here's the deal as soon as we get home we all HAVE to talk to our parents about Kendall deal?" James asked putting his hand out.
"Deal!" Carlos nodded putting his hand on top of James's.
"Yeah deal." Logan put his hand out as well, before the three boys could say anything else they heard honking, they looked up seeing their rides they bid each other goodbye.
~~~Knight Residence Kendall P.O.V~~~
"AH!" Kendall screamed as Kevin took pieces of glass from the ground before he jammed in into kendalls chest and stomache but not far enough to hit anything vital.
"You. Fucking. Piece. Of. SHIT! Just go die already! your worthless..Like hell you could do anything remotely helpful in life, your a piece of trash not worth breathing the same air as me!" Kevin screamed as he began to punch and kick as well as shit at Kendall, but suddely he stopped and smiled down at Kendall.
feeling a chill go down his spine Kendall stared at Kevin in horror as he took off his belt and proceeded to whip him with it, luaghing everytime it came in contact with his skin.
"Ah! S-STOP! PLEASE STOP!" Kendall cried out as tears poured down his face, but Kevin paid his pleas no mind as he continued to whip his until Kendall finally went limp. Smiling to himself Kevin left Kendall and Allison in the bathroom as he went into the kitchen and grabbed his car keys along with a six-pack of beer before driving away from the house and down to the closest hotel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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