Happy Birthday Britney

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1:17 PM – Mali-U Campus

On a bright Friday afternoon, three of the five spies were relaxing in the student lounge after Alex had finished a class of her own. Sam, Clover, and Britney were having a good laugh over the seemingly short Friday morning they all had.

"Lucky us, eh, Sammy?" Clover asked. "No classes for me today."

"And my physics professor's heading out of town right about now," Sam replied with a nod. "Nice for me to give my brain cells a well-needed break."

"And the rest of us only had one class ourselves today," Britney pointed out. "I admit, Alex's basket weaving class was fun, but I let it slip to her that today's my birthday."

That got Sam and Clover's attention, too.

"I guess that explains why we haven't seen Alex since breakfast," Sam remarked.

"Totally," Clover quipped. "Happy birthday, Britney!"

"Yeah, happy birthday," Sam added. "Maybe we should get back to the penthouse to have a quiet celebration."

"And take our celebration to the Mali-U Beach later," Clover continued.

"By the way, where are Alex and Mat?" Sam asked. "We gotta get the word to them."

"Last I heard, Alex was going to get Mat for something she kept hush-hush about," Britney answered.

Sam wasn't jealous at all since she and Mat were well into their relationship. Clover gave Alex a call, which lasted a minute or two.

"They're out birthday-shopping for Brit," Clover whispered in Sam's ear.

1:29 PM – The Groove

Mat and Alex were out at the Groove, but Mat was still in the dark over why Alex wanted to come here and not bring Sam and the others.

"Alex, you wanna tell me what all the hubbub is about?" Mat asked.

"Britney's birthday is today," Alex told Mat. "I only found this out today."

"Ah, I get it," Mat answered, realizing what this was all about now. "Birthday shopping then."

"I thought we'd handle the shopping and wrap up with a cake," Alex replied.

"Works for me," Mat quipped. "Maybe I can give her something to get her thinking about coming to Hawaii one day."

Alex had a surprised look on her face. "Can't say I blame ya; go for it, Mat."

She and Mat hit up an electronics store and bought Britney some blue deluxe headphones; the two friends checked out a nearby department store and got Britney a blue swimsuit for her. Mat added in a gift card for $15 off Britney's next purchase. After buying a cake, the two got back to Mali-U and their penthouse.

2:20 PM -- Spies' Penthouse

"This is your day, Brit," Sam said, nudging her playfully with her shoulder. "So what was it like when you first got transferred to Australia?"

Britney looked from Sam to the others somberly. "Well, I missed you guys, and L.A., and everything." She took a drink of her kombucha. "But Jerry arranged for my parents to work in Sydney, so that really helped. I mean, I was still in high school," she said and chuckled.

"Can we visit you sometime?" Alex asked.

"Of course!" Britney replied, leaning forward. "You've got to meet Steve. He's the director of WOOHP there. Taught me everything about Australia," she said and nodded. "Oh, I got to visit my grandparents more often."

"In Australia?" Mat asked.

"No, in Tokyo," Britney replied.

"Cool!" Clover replied. "I never knew that about you."

"Yeah, well I guess with all the craziness I never got to tell you much about myself."

"Any boyfriends, or at least hot dates?" Clover asked, brows raised.

Sam looked at the blonde and held up a hand. "You shouldn't pry into her personal life, Clover."

"No, it's fine," Britney said. "I mean, you guys have literally saved my life. I feel pretty open with whatever."

She smiled at Alex, who'd saved them from Willard's bomb on their first mission together. Then nodded to the others, recalling her being rescued when captured on the extremely dangerous WOOHP Island.

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