Chapter 1

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Gabriel's pov

We were walking up to my parents house since my parents had decided there was going to be a small family gathering. By we I meant Adrien, Nathalie and myself. We knocked on the door and as soon as we did so two boys were stood there. Then one of them looked Nathile up and down then ran into the house saying
? Dad! The beautiful lady from your stories and pictures is here!
Then my brother, Julian walked back in with the boy and my other brother, Marcus, saying
J what beautiful lady?
Then he looked at the door and saw Nathalie stood there looking bored.
Then he ran up to her and just as he was about to pick her up she said
N nuh uh no way in hell are you picking me up!
I laughed she had always had a thing about being touched since she was little.
J *whimpers* you're still a big meanie!
N *rolls her eyes* ugh whatever...I'm only here for Adrien and that's it okay?
M no wonder your last name means heartless.
N oh shut up, Marc...I would like to change it one day though.
M *pulls her in by her waist, making her blush* what about, Agrest? Nathile, Marcus Agrest? Has a nice ring to it don't you think?
I don't know why but the thought of Nathile and Marc together made me want to punch was like my heart was screaming "no! You can't have her cause she's mine!"
N *snaps out of it* pfft yeah wish, loser.
M you'll come around one day...
N yeah...when pigs fly.
M well I'll have to make a request for hawkmoth to akumitize a pig...then we'll get back to this.
N urgh! You're so annoying!
M you love me for it.
N *pulls away from his embrace* as if.
Then she walked over to Gorilla and told him something. After she finished he grunted three times, got in the car and then drove off.
G wow...that's the most I've ever heard him say!
N *giggles*
G you're adorable when you giggle, Nat.
N *blushes* thank you, Gabe.
Then he walked over to her as he escorted her into the house along with Adrien.
A have the three of them always been like this?
N yes actually, except for the fact that when we were children your father would never stop hugging me. They've always fought over me...but I've never left Gabriel's side.
A ohhh so my father who isn't fond of being touched what so ever...used to be a hugger? Hmmmm father?
I laughed as I remembered all the times I would hug Nat; she'd get mad at me for touching her; I'd be on the brink of bursting into tears and then she would gently kiss my cheek and then hug me.
G well yes...I was quite fond of Nathile when we were kids...and still to this day I am still very fond her.
A awwww! You two are so cute together!
N Adrien th-
Then Marc walked in and said
M she'd be better with me!
G no she wouldn't she'd be better with me! *pulls her closely into him as he buries his face in her neck*
N G-Gabe!?
G hmmm? You smell nice! *nuzzles into her neck lovingly*
I could hear Nat giggle quietly as she tried to hide the fact that she was ticklish as I knew she hated being tickled cause it made her feel sick...and Marcus and Julian would not stop until she did something that they wanted her to do...which I know would make her uncomfortable. Then we heard someone shout...
? Nathile Sancoeur! Is that really you?
We all looked to the living room door way to see mom and dad stood their.
N Mrs. Agrest, Mr. is so nice to see the both of you again.
Nat said as her normal sensible and formal self.
F please, my love, call me Francesca or Fran like you used too.
No and call me Noah.
N oh okay then...Fran and's been a long time.
F oh my, dear it has hasn't it...look at how much you've grown! And look how gorgeous you are! How come you don't visit?
N well I have lots of work so I can't just leave whenever I please...for example if Gabe takes a day off to spend time with Adrien then I take the work load for him. Not because I have to but because I want to *smiles kindly*
F oh my! Gaberkins! You should give her less work!
G two things...don't call me reminds me of Audrey
Both Nat and I shiver at the thought of her.
G and don't you think I've tried she's just too stubborn!
N I'm stubborn! You refused to work for two weeks souly because you had an argument with Mrs. Bourgeois.
G well you...actually you've never been stubborn with a client or anything work do you do it?
N I spent my entire childhood pretending I was the time I was a teenager people literally thought I was mute cause of how quiet I was.
G I remember that...this guy was making fun of you so I punched him and said
N, G she's the kindest person ever! So don't ever and I mean ever hurt her again otherwise I'll personally take care of you.
A awwww that's so cute, dad!
F ohh is this Adrien!?
N yes it is.
G Adrien meet your grandma.
A hello it's uh nice to meet you.
F you to, my darling
No wait! We haven't introduced everyone. Nathile, Adrien and Gabe...this is, Liam...Julian's son. And this is William Marcus's son.
L, J hi! Nice to meet you!
A, N, G nice to meet you as well
G hey, Nat I'm cold
N are you okay!? Do you want me to call, Gorila? So he can take us h-
I didn't let her finish her sentence before I pulled her in close to me which made my body warm up straight away.
N w-what are you doing, Gabriel?
G hugging you? What else?
A I wanna join!
Then Adrien joined us in our little family hug; I felt at peace with myself for once...little did I know that is wasn't going to last that long.

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