Chapter 6

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Ditching Boot camp With My Best friend

Part 6

''Okay, I give! Now get off of me!'' Tyson shouted

I let him go and then grabbed him by the back of his hair and gave him a wet willy.

''Roca! Tyson! Open up!'' I heard a voice shouting and fists banging on the door.

I opened the door and when I did I got a huge surprise.

It was Alex. My brother.

''What are you doing here!?'' I shrieked with anger. I didn't want him here!

''Its dad.'' Alex put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes, ''He's sick, Roca.''

My body went still. I felt like everything had stopped. I didn't hear Tyson's booming voice call my name. I didn't feel my brother hug me and embrace me. I didn't feel anything but sorrow and regret.

^.^ A/N:

               I don't know if I'll continue this story along with the others. I need support so if I get that, then I will continue writing. It's been awesome writing for you guys and reading every comment you leave me. Thanks a lot, and Merry Christmas Guys!

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