Erwin -1-

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-Erwins POV-

   I trudge heavily through the lonely wooden corridors that lead the way to my office, nearly tripping several times due to exhaustion and the fact of the lamps being off and my boots being soaked with mud. I just want to lay down, my heart feels heavy with all the lives that were lost today.

   I enter my cold and dimly lit office itching to lay down after a hard day on the battlefield. I sit down for a moment of peace in my desk chair and start to slip my boots off, pausing to listen to the slight rain pattering against my window.

   It's very calming in a way... watching the little droplets roll down and down until they reach the bottom of the window frame. I start pondering about the events of today.

   "It was all for nothing... we got nowhere, even with all the soldiers who put themselves out there to fight. There lives meant nothing at the end of the day, I sit here and lie, saying every one of them helps towards this never ending fight to keep them going" I huffed under my breath.

   I remembered that I was in the middle of trying to take my boots off so I slide them off completely and absentmindedly toss them somewhere near the door. "It's not like anyone's going to trip on them, it doesnt really matter where they go" Dammit. They were drenched in mud and god knows what other fluids....... Fuck it I'm too tired to care" I whisper to myself.

   I start slowly unbuttoning my shirt, button by button. My arms feel extremely sore and flimsy from everything that happened today so I'm trying not to hurt them further by being gentle. I'm utterly worn out.

   The fifth button down I hear a quiet thud on the door "Who in the world would even be at my door this hour...?" I think to myself. I glance at the clock making sure it really is 2 in the morning and I'm not just hallucinating.

   I'm hesitant to just rush on over and let whoever's on the other side in since I am getting undressed. I need to keep my status of being the mighty commander everyone knows me as and I'm sure somebody seeing me with my shirt unbuttoned like this with my chest out on full display and in my mismatched socks would create some interesting conversations.

   "I guess it wont hurt just to stick my head out for a bit, it could be important news". Being very aware of the fact my boots are sitting waiting to prey on my ankles in the dark somewhere, I start creeping towards the door.

   "...wheres the door handle??" I was clumsily fumbling around for the door handle but on the positive side of the things I didnt trip. "Oh and I'll be right with you!" I said.

   The person knocked again and this time they just opened the door without any warning hitting my forehead, causing me to fall backwards hitting the ground with a thump. I guess they didnt hear me...

   "Oh my god... I'm sorry Commander I had no idea you were at the door... um...... are you ok?" I hear the female voice say softly in an almost whisper. She seemed so scared and nervous and I bet knocking the Commander over was one of the factors for her fear.

   I look up, trying to register the face. "Oh I know you, Y/N... isn't it?" I say, still a little shocked one of the newer cadets was the one at my door this late at night. I had seen her the very first days she started training and took note of how skilled she appeared to be. She started talking quietly again making no comment about anything I just said.

   "...Well anyways I'm so sorry! Let me help you up. I'm really sorry once again I should've been more careful. I cant believe I was so reckless I should've thought about the consequences of opening the door so quickly. I-"

   "Listen." I interrupt her panic, causing her to stop abruptly. "I promise you, it's quite alright. It was an honest mistake. Atleast, I'd assume you didnt knock your Commander over on purpose?" I said in a joking tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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