Scared of the dark (fluff)

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Wyatt pulled his blanket up to his chest as he hugged his second pillow tightly. It had been a few days since him and Sophia moved into, they're apartment together and they were sharing a bed.

Wyatt reached over to his dresser next to him and grabbed his book and his book light which lit up brightly. He opened the book and took out the bookmark, as he started to read the thing.

Sophia slowly moved around a bit in bed before turning her head over with one eye open and her hair scuffed all over the place. "Wy? What are you doing up so late?" She asked as she grabbed her phone next to her to see it was 4:00 A:M.

"N-Nothing I'm just reading..."

"At Four A:M?" She asked as he sighed and closed the book before turning on the lamp next to him causing Sophia to squint her eyes a bit.

"Look... Soph... I'm gonna tell you something but you promise that you won't tease me and leave me, right?" He said making her sit upward in bed.

"Leave you? No. Tease you? Most likely." She joked making him chuckle a bit.

"Well I'm um uh... I'm scared of the dark..." He whispered the last part.

"Speak up sweetie."

"I'm *gulp* I'm afraid of the dark..." He said making her purse her lips to compress a fit of laughter. He looked down sadly.

"Well, hey! I only promised I wouldn't leave you!" She joked as she started giggling making him grin a bit. "Wait so that's really what you're so scared of?" She said. Wyatt nodded his head.

She chuckled as she reached her arm over and gently rubbed his arm. "Honey, do you really think I would leave you because you're still scared of the dark like a godamn 5-year-old?" She teased making him sigh. Sophia laid down next to him and turned sideways before turning his head to make him look at her. She used both of her hands to hold his face in her hands.

"I love you Wy. I don't care that you still think monsters are real- "

"Hey! I never said that I just said the dark is freaky, okay!" He defended making her giggle and go in to leave a gentle kiss on his lips. She moved closer and got her chest and up on his chest and she cuddled up next to him.

"Welp, now you have to deal with something scary then the dark, me." She joked making him burst out laughing as he hugged her tighter and left a soft kiss on the top of her head.

"I love you Soph." He said as he turned off the lamp and they both closed their eyes.

"Love you too." 

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