Hello to Everything that is you....

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Now you must be wondering why I addressed everything not 'everyone'?

Don't misunderstand me, although some does do the opposite without me telling them to understand me. But I am hopeful because we are here for a reason... Also I will be explaining what I meant soon after this so I think a little patience will be appreciated.

You see.... I am not objectifying you by calling you "everything"

If I said everyone then I would address the person you are. The body not the experience and others that is cumulatively makes you...well, you. I can sit here and type away categories and miss some.  But if I use "Everything" that almost covers everything, no? That's the word we simple use to explain all we are.

Like you use "You are my everything" to show love you can add "everyone" later but that's a rare use. or "You took my everything" in anger and many more. I can explain more but for that you'll have to ask me.

That's the way I know you mulled over my words.

That is what I want....To be thought about. I always had a knack for reading. At first it was a hobby but then it became my obsession and then it became my "Everything" .

It's bond I have yet to share with anyone or any "thing". My dearest books spoiled me good.

We diverted from the topic we were talking about...

Like I said it's not my intention to objectify you by calling you "Everything..." ...

"I believe now the we are greater than the sum of our parts... " because "....if I take Alaska's genetic code and add her life experiences and the relationship she had with people and then you take the size and shape of her body,  you do not get her..."

And I meant that by addressing you as "Everything" I was beating around the bush and not going anywhere until Miles aka PUDGE came to rescue me.

Now you understand what I mean?

I hope you do...

I always wanted to talk about books and how it changed my life. I am still locked in labyrinths of my past, I would like to break free.... Let's see if I can.

I will write about the book I have just finished reading, that way I can start keep record about reading time or when I am busy, how many I read on the date and if I can make a streak and finish reading book soon even with a busy scheduled.

It makes me laugh when someone say, they will do thing they love when they find time.... Or when they retire. God forbid but what if they don't have time to fulfil their wishes?  If they love doing it they can find time for it, no? Just because they love to do something, they must not feel guilty for making time for it. Like reading, writing, cooking, travelling, gaming and etcetera. But given the current situation with COVID-19 travelling is not possible, you have a lot of time for yourself. So you have to scrounge for what you can from home. 

I hope you do make time for what you love to do. Or hobbies.... It helps us fighting this somewhat morbid society. Don't become Paper person in Paper Town.

And that's,my friend,will be my first book to write about. I have started that book on 1st April at 11 pm and finished reading 13th April on 3 am. If you want to know which book I am currently reading then look at my profile. You will know right away.

I mostly read through the night know I took longer than I expected but when I come near to the end, I tend go slower than sloth. It's like coming to an end of the journey.... With friends and maybe more.

As the cover page said of this book l, every book holds an adventure between pages... Some literal or some emotional or some goes deeper than that. So that's why I slow down considerably.

Also there is lots of thinking, writing and chores. And I'm a little lazy too. So there's that.

I would like to see how my efforts are received by wattpad itself and their users. I hope I do get referred more.

Well.... enough rumbling, I hope you didn't leave when you saw that long intro. If you didn't, I am glad.

I shall start with 'Paper Town' right away.

(Video Credits- YouTube and others to their own respective owners but this book is mine including the idea)

Thank you for your time

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